The Church

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JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up

JUNE 2024: The LGBTQ Agenda – Part 1 The Curtain Goes Up

by Jim Fennell The month of June 2024 is approaching, giving homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America with their “Pride” month celebrations and propaganda.  The liberal press fully supports this annual festivity as well as many city...

Despite What Steven Furtick Thinks, the Bible Isn’t About You

Despite What Steven Furtick Thinks, the Bible Isn’t About You

For those of us who take the Christian faith seriously, we understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories and wisdom, but the actual, revealed word of God. And contrary to what popular prosperity "pastor" Steven Furtick may believe, the Bible is not...

The Christian View of American Racial History

The Christian View of American Racial History

In the current unhinged American political landscape, the question must arise for every disciple of Christ as to how they should view their earthly national citizenship in the United States. Today we are going to take a brief flyover look at what exactly the United...

What is the Doctrine of Divine Immutability and Why Does it Matter

What is the Doctrine of Divine Immutability and Why Does it Matter

The immutability of God, also known as the doctrine of divine immutability, is an incommunicable attribute of God that describes God as unchanging and unchangeable. This doctrine is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith and is derived from Scripture—from where...

Make No Room and Have Zero Tolerance for LGBTQ Ideology in the Church

Make No Room and Have Zero Tolerance for LGBTQ Ideology in the Church

LGBTQ ideology, also sometimes spoken of as "queer theory," is a harmful and insidious force that is attempting to tear apart the fabric of the Church and threatening to destroy centuries of Christian tradition that has been built upon a foundation of solid, biblical...

Why Abortion is Destructive to Society

Why Abortion is Destructive to Society

Abortion is a highly controversial issue that has been at the center of debates and discussions for decades. While some people, primarily, non-Christians, view it as a "necessary medical procedure" that allows women to "make choices about their own reproductive...

Creation Actually Approved by Jesus?

Creation Actually Approved by Jesus?

Today's episode of Emmaus Road Chronicles looks at eight ways Jesus Christ certified in Genesis chapter one. Thank you for joining this episode. Welcome to Emmaus Road Chronicles, the series of videos, concentrating upon the answers that Jesus gave to two men as they...

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