I'm not sure how much more I can stress that if you're still sending your children to public schools, you're neglecting your children's well-being. Your child's school may appear to be safe from the indoctrination that other schools are facing, but even if that's...
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Prominent Reformed Pastor Accused of Abandoning Church, Starts New Church
As a general rule, we do not make it a habit to remove a post once it has been published. But there are exceptions for everything. While we believe our reporting here was neutral and objective, after speaking with the leadership of Heritage Grace Church, in the spirit...
TGC’s Leading LGBTQ Consultant Says Transgenderism Isn’t a Sin, No Need to Confess or Repent
Mark Yarhouse is one of The Gospel Coalition's leading LGBTQ consultants who is behind much of the unbiblical psychology behind the current zeitgeist of "gay Christianity." Yarhouse has collaborated with such organizations as Revoice and Living Out, developing an...
Wheaton College Prof Suggests The Bible is Mis-Translated Because There Weren’t Enough Black Translators
There is no doubt that wokeness is the new rage sweeping the Evangelical Church and even replacing the gospel with a gospel of social justice. The Southern Baptist Convention, The Presbyterian Church (PCA) and the broader Evangelical Church are steeped in social...
Christians Who Vote Democrat Are Voting For Genocide, Population Control by Abortion
Recently, the Southern Baptist President, JD Greear announced that it is okay for Christians to vote for Democrats who support abortion so long as they say they are against abortion. In an interview with the Christian Post, Greear stated, ... if at the end of the day...
Catholic Archbishop Tells Transgender “You Belong to the Heart of This Church”
The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. This is an undeniable fact from the vantage point of any sane, Bible-believing Christian. One cannot walk away from a serious reading of the Scriptures and leave with Roman Catholic theology. It simply does not work. Their...
Jackie Hill Perry Uninvited From Answers in Genesis Women’s Conference
Jackie Hill Perry is a woke feminist ex-lesbian who is a contributor at The Gospel Coalition and regular speaker in the New Calvinist SBC/PCA speaking circuit. Hill Perry has been in the forefront of Christian news for the last several days due to her obstinance to...
Gay Son of Former SBC President Says God’s Design For Marriage, Family is Idolatry
The very first command God gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was to be fruitful and multiply. It was an important command because God chose marriage and family as the means to extend His kingdom and display His glory to creation. One of the sweeping movements...
Steven Furtick Says God Reflects His Image
When Steven Furtick says things, it's often easy to just write it off as him "saying dumb things" without thinking, or just complete ignorance. However, it's coming fascinatingly clear that Steven Furtick believes himself to be higher than God. In a previous post, we...
SBC President Says Stop Being a Pharisee, Pride, Materialism, Greater Sins Than Homosexuality
When preaching a sermon on Romans 1 in January, the Southern Baptist president, J.D. Greear said other sins were more egregious than homosexuality. It was during that sermon that he infamously quoted the female pastor from Village Church, Jen Wilkin, We ought to...
Southern Baptist Church Fully Endorses Homosexuality, Gay Church Membership
If the fruit of the gay celibate movement led by The Gospel Coalition and the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty movement has accomplished one thing, it's been to move churches closer toward full acceptance and inclusion of homosexuality. While the rhetoric...
Kyle Howard: White Supremacists Are All Conservative Southern Baptists
Ed Stetzer is a former LifeWay executive who, along with Thom Rainer, promoted heretical materials for money in what is supposed to be a Christian bookstore operated by the Southern Baptist Convention. Stetzer has since left and now holds the Billy Graham...
Beth Moore Thinks Opposition to Her is About Re-Electing Donald Trump
Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist feminist egalitarian social justice advocate and preacher, thinks that opposition to her is about Donald Trump. One can only wonder how anyone could be so confused and oblivious to reality that they would actually believe this. It's...
Refuting Jarvis Williams’ Narrative on “White Supremacy”
In a recent article entitled, “Jesus, Deliver Us from This Racist Evil Age, Jarvis Williams and Curtis Woods took the opportunity to employ the Christian gospel as a means to manipulate us once again into believing that the mission of the church is to eliminate or at...
Al Mohler Rips “Ethnic Studies” in Public Schools While Danny Akin Implements it At Southeastern Seminary
This stuff simply can't be made up. The level of incognizance that plagues Al Mohler as he continues his diversion from the issues within his own camp is mind-boggling. It's as if he's been in the Twilight Zone for years -- or maybe we are. The Southern Baptist...
Liberal Baptist Church Sells Building For Over $1 Million To Donate To Gay Youth And Social Justice Programs
Following in the footsteps of progressive Christian outlets such as The Gospel Coalition, progressive churches across the nation are becoming more and more engrossed in social justice activism. Across the more liberal of these churches, the push for LGBTQ inclusion...
SBC President Proves Denomination Has Fully Embraced Secular Ideology
In June, the Southern Baptist Convention officially adopted Critical Race Theory -- an anti-Biblical worldview that treats every circumstance in society through the lens of racism -- as a "useful tool" for analyzing racism in our churches and society. Though many...
Desiring God Author Teaches That Gender is Independent of Biological Sex
You may have read in recent days about the lesbian from Campus Crusade who has been teaching a pro-homosexual message to children in CRU as well as being platformed by The Gospel Coalition. Rachel Gilson, who works for CRU as a Director of Theological Development...
The Deception of Autonomy in Liberal Theology
The theological left makes its reputation by tearing down traditional theology, the traditional view of Scripture, traditional morality, etc. Liberal theologians make their academic reputations through novelty, and the more vigorously they speak against traditional...
SBC President Boasts That Church Plants Are Becoming Less White
The current Southern Baptist president has been on a mission to change the culture of the denomination into one that reflects the secular ideology of intersectionality and victimology. J.D. Greear -- who has advocated that Christians stand up for LGBTQ rights and says...
Prominent Seminary Declares “Social Justice is the Gospel” – A Glimpse Into the Future of the SBC
Union Theological Seminary in New York is the central hub of progressive Christianity producing such notable liberal theologians as James Cone, the father of Black Liberation Theology and Walter Rauschenbusch, the father of the modern social gospel. The seminary touts...
After Bragging About Private Jet, Kenneth Copeland Prays to Satan
"Hello Satan, how are you ... Mr. Zero." Kenneth Copeland has been the center of controversy since we first reported on him bragging about his multi-million dollar private jet with Jesse Duplantis in 2015. Since then, Copeland has made multiple attempts at repairing...