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Carnal Christianity: A Doctrine Designed to Provoke God to Anger

Carnal Christianity: A Doctrine Designed to Provoke God to Anger

The "carnal Christian" heresy, also referred to as antinomianism, has been a persistent and recurring false teaching throughout the history of the Christian Church. This heresy asserts that a person can have faith in Jesus Christ and still engage in sinful behavior...

Manichaeism: The History and Heresy of the False Prophet Mani

Manichaeism: The History and Heresy of the False Prophet Mani

Manichaeism was an aberrant religious sect founded by the Persian prophet, Mani, during the 3rd century AD that made its way into Christian circles. This heresy was an amalgamation of various religious traditions such as Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Gnosticism, and...

Saddleback Pastor Joins Andy Stanley at Conference Promoting Gay Sex

Saddleback Pastor Joins Andy Stanley at Conference Promoting Gay Sex

If you need any more reason to believe that Andy Stanley has completely stepped into the realm of "gay-affirming," look no further than what we're about to present to you. But first, a little backstory. Over the last few weeks, Stanley has been in the headlines over...

The Holy Spirit is Not a Drug: Stop Blaspheming Him

The Holy Spirit is Not a Drug: Stop Blaspheming Him

It is with great conviction and fervor that I declare, in the words of the esteemed Charles Dickens, that we are currently living in a period of both unparalleled excellence and unmitigated despair for the cause of evangelicalism. While the latter may serve to...

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