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SBC Megachurch Performs and Worships to a Lady Gaga Cover

SBC Megachurch Performs and Worships to a Lady Gaga Cover

In 2019, Joel Osteen, one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga’s pride celebration at Apollo Theater on Monday night. The New York Daily News reports, Poehler wasn’t the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From...

Southern Baptist Convention’s Lawfirm Celebrates Pride Month

Southern Baptist Convention’s Lawfirm Celebrates Pride Month

Earlier this week, we reported that the Southern Baptist Convention's sex abuse task force investigation firm, Guidepost Solutions, exposed itself as a pro-homosexual firm completely incapable of investigating the alleged abuse cases within the Southern Baptist...

Lutheran University Commences With Koran Reading and Prayer to Allah

Lutheran University Commences With Koran Reading and Prayer to Allah

If you think professing Christianity simply can't get any worse than it already has, simply look no further than the many many many false denominations that are just pretending to be Christian churches. In fact, many of them aren't even pretending to be Christian...

JD Greear Praises False Teacher, Rick Warren

JD Greear Praises False Teacher, Rick Warren

Rick Warren, an emergent church heretic and false teacher who recently ordained three women pastors in his Southern Baptist Saddleback Church, who also invited Ann Voskamp—a woman who says she flew to Paris to learn how to make love to God—to preach at his church, and...

Champion: Another Blasphemous, Self-Idolatrous Song by Bethel Music

Champion: Another Blasphemous, Self-Idolatrous Song by Bethel Music

The Dissenter (formerly Reformation Charlotte) has covered quite a few of Bethel's songs over the years, pointing you to the errors, heresy, and blasphemy that much of this organization's music expresses. We do this so that you and your church can make informed,...

Drag Queen Takes Pulpit, Preaches Sermon on Noah in Genesis 9

Drag Queen Takes Pulpit, Preaches Sermon on Noah in Genesis 9

If it isn't bad enough that a drag queen takes the pulpit, what's worse is that one gets up in front of something that calls itself a church and preaches on Genesis 9. Genesis 9, the passage about God's covenant with Noah, this drag queen stands and mocks along with...

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