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Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency

Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency

Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention holds an annual meeting where denominational business is conducted, resolutions are voted on, and the new convention leaders are chosen to lead for the next years. And every year, it seems, that dirty tricks are pulled to...

Heresy of the Day #13: Multiculturalism

A popular buzzword in the culture today that has been heralded as a virtuous goal worth pursuing is "multiculturalism." On its face, it sounds noble--it sounds like it promotes respect, tolerance, peace, and love throughout a nation filled with people from diverse...

Faithful Prayer in a Sinful World

Faithful Prayer in a Sinful World

"You can never believe greater or better things than God can do for you. Even sin itself, which is the great (and really the only) evil; it is His enemy as much as yours: and you may be sure He would not have suffered its being in the world if He had not a power to...

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