After endorsing the pro-gay Jen Hatmaker earlier this year, Max Lucado’s new-found role of propping up heretics and false teachers seems to have hit overdrive. In January, Lucado joined Hatmaker on her podcast and gave her glowing accolades telling her that...
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Southern Baptists Abandoning Social Justice Heresy For Heresy of Dominionism
For the last several years, the social justice movement has swept the Southern Baptist Convention and it's tentacles reach every possible corner of nearly every single church in the entire denomination leaving a stain of intersectionality, feminism, and even in some...
A Multitude of SBC Leaders Sign Statement of Intention to Nominate Randy Adams to Oppose Al Mohler for Next SBC President
In October of last year, it was announced that prominent Southern Baptist president, H.B. Charles, intended to nominate seminary president, Al Mohler for the next president of the denomination. Mohler, who currently presides over the Southern Baptist Theological...
Kanye West to Join Host of False Teachers for Awaken 2020 Conference
Now, it appears that Kanye West has fully embraced the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation “signs and wonders” movement and will be joining a host of self-proclaimed “prophets” and “apostles” at the Awaken 2020 Conference this weekend. Some of the false prophets and false apostles heading up the event include Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Guillermo Maldonado, Brian Welch, and many others.
Iranian Video Shows Assassination of Trump, Pompeo, Netanyahu in the White House
MEMRI TV -- The Iranian Fars News Agency aired a short video on January 10, 2020, titled "Severe Revenge," dramatizing an Iranian assassination of U.S. President Donald Trump. In the video, Iranian officials are seen planning their revenge for the killing of Qods...
Evangelical Pastor and Author Max Lucado Endorses Pro-Gay Jen Hatmaker
Jen Hatmaker is the progressive queen of liberal pro-gay faux Christianity who advocates for the broad acceptance of homosexuality and other aberrant sexual orientations in the Church. Like her late counterpart, Rachel Held Evans, Hatmaker is known for her endorsement...
SBC Press Outlet Publishes Demonstrably False Information About Entity Head’s Ties to George Soros
The Baptist Press is the Southern Baptist Convention's propaganda outlet that typically reports on absolutely nothing newsworthy in the way of Southern Baptist life, culture, or doctrine. The outlet is primarily used to promote the circle of elites that micromanage...
Pro-Choice Activist Posts Online: “He Heavily Promotes the March For Life, We Torched His SUV Today”
Anti-life activists have targetted a German pro-life journalist for promoting the country’s March for Life by setting his car on fire and releasing details of where he lives with his wife and children. In a menacing online post, the extremist...
Top Ten Reformation Charlotte Articles of 2019
After Reformation Charlotte's first full year of writing, we ended up in the 9K range on Alexa. That's a major feat for a small news blog that is manned by one person in his spare time. It would have been impossible without the supporters who've shared our posts on...
Evangelicals Lining Up Behind Moral Leader, Nancy Pelosi, To Impeach Trump for “Immorality”
Unless your head has been under a rock for the last year, you're aware of the growing push to impeach the current president, Donald Trump. While the push has largely been made from the floor of the ultra-progressive House of Representatives -- with Nancy Pelosi as...
Five Days After Toddler Death, Bethel Still Performing Witch’s Seance to Raise Her From Dead
The cult that is known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA has been on a non-stop mission since one of the worship leaders lost her two-year-old daughter this past Saturday. Bethel, a charismatic New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) church teaches the heresy that in modern...
Toddler Death at Bethel Redding Reveals Sickness of the Charismatic Movement
Bethel Church in Redding, CA is pastored by Bill Johnson who claims to be an Apostle — that is, he claims Apostolic authority just like the twelve men during Christ’s time on Earth. Bethel Redding, like all cults, is filled with aberrant, unbiblical...
Hillsong Boasts 20 Denominations, Including Catholics, Are Represented At Their Conference Every Year
Hillsong is one of the world's leading bridges between religion and carnality -- known for its endless productions of worldly sensationalism and ear-tickling music. Hillsong is a prosperity gospel cult that unifies itself with other religions based solely on the...