As we journey through this world together, hand in hand, we must acknowledge the relentless barrage of messages that promise happiness, fulfillment, and success which come at us from all directions, ensnaring us in their tantalizing web. We are tempted to believe that...
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What’s the Difference Between the Pro-Life Movement and Abolitionism?
The debate surrounding abortion has been ongoing for decades, with both sides fiercely advocating for their beliefs. And while the pro-life movement claims to have made significant strides in the past, abortion abolitionists believe that their approach is not enough...
Ex-Gay Testimony: The Gospel Radically Changed My Heart and Desires
In an ungodly movement in the Church today, the idea that one can be a Christian while still sexually attracted to people of the same sex is gaining momentum. It teaches that same-sex attraction, in and of itself, is not sinful unless acted upon. This notion is...
Francis Chan Removes Shoes, Catholic Priests Pray Over Him
It has long been known that Francis Chan has been on the wrong path for quite some time. We previously reported on Chan's association with false teachers in the charismatic movement -- such as Benny Hinn, Todd White, and Shawn Bolz. Chan followed up with a rebuttal...
Four Reasons Your Church is Apathetic to Evangelism
And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.Mark 16:15 In my last article, I wrote an open letter to open-air preachers to love the people of God. As I was writing it I realized that there are a lot of street evangelist...
Living Out Removes Much of its Gay Filth From Website
Living Out is a website tied to the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and The Gospel Coalition that promotes a celibate but openly gay lifestyle among professing Christians. Sam Allberry, the most prominent leader of the ministry has been under...
Joel Osteen Says Mary “Gave Jesus Life”
Today is April 1, but sadly, this is not an April Fool's joke. Joel Osteen actually made this absurd assertion. Much like the Roman Catholics, Osteen is teaching a dangerous doctrine of Scripture -- that Mary holds the power of life over God. Let's be clear, Mary did...
What is “Rededicating Your Life to Christ” and is it Biblical?
A popular concept within evangelical churches, especially college-age and young adults, is the idea that one can "rededicate" their life to Christ. The assumption is that he or she was saved at a young age, but either didn't have a complete understanding of the grace...
TGC Promoting Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes A Village” Ideology
In 1996, Democrat First Lady Hillary Clinton published a book titled It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us, which essentially attempts to demolish the conservative idea of the nuclear family -- one father, one mother, and children -- in favor of a...
NY Times: A God Problem? No Problem
The NY Times recently published an article written by Professor of Philosophy, Peter Atterton, about God’s existence. Atterton begins his article with his conclusion: Perfect. All-powerful. All-knowing. The idea of the deity most Westerners accept is actually not...
Does the Sovereign Election of God Discourage Evangelism?
The Bible clearly teaches sovereign election. God has a redeemed for himself a people unto salvation from his righteous wrath against sinners. The 1689 Second London Baptist Confession sums this up: By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men...
TGC and The Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy
Yesterday, the term and theological category “Same-Sex Attracted Christian” didn’t even exist. Now it’s everywhere — seemingly in every pulpit, at every conference, in every book, in every periodical, in every blog, on every podcast. The tsunami alarm has been slow to...
Zondervan Author, Cussing, Intoxicated, Claims Bible Contradicts Itself
Jonathan Martin is an Emergent pastor out of Oklahoma City, OK and has authored several books published by Zondervan, including How To Survive a Shipwreck and Help is On The Way. Martin recently approached a group of open-air preachers in downtown Albuquerque, NM...
Pope Affirms Muslims Believe in Same God … Again
Pope Francis is right -- Catholics and Muslims most certainly worship the same God. But that's where the truth of his latest tweet ends. Today, Pope Francis tweeted, once again, another message of affirmation between Christians and Muslims, asserting that God created...
You Exist to Glorify Christ
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.Colossians 1:16 Christ is the focus of the apostle’s gaze in this text. He begins a...
Russell Moore Withdraws Support For Living Out Gay Ministry
Following a series of articles by Tom Buck at Alpha & Omega Ministries on a widely-accepted "gay Christian" ministry known as Living Out, Russell Moore and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission have quietly removed their endorsement of the ministry from...
Podcast: The Gay Christian Church Audit at Living Out
In Partnership with Tim Keller and other gay-friendly Evangelicals, Living Out has produced a pamphlet called How Biblically Inclusive is Your Church? which outlines 10 steps or recommendations you can use to audit your church for gay inclusiveness. Reformation...
RZIM Doubles Down on Jesus “Body Dysphoria”
RZIM Says We Can Trust Jesus With Our Gender Because Jesus Experienced a Body Mis-Match The road to full transgender and homosexual affirmation and inclusion in the Church is coming near full-stop -- as in, we're arriving. Through ministries such as Sam Allberry's...
Does God Put Value on Unborn Babies?
Reformation Charlotte wrote an excellent article entitled “Abortion is Pagan Sacrifice.” The article was well written and backed by scripture. However, I can’t help but hear the skeptic say Aren’t all of those references referring to already born babies? Somehow...
The Same-Sex Attraction Hypocrisy Test
How Should Christians Deal With Same-Sex Attraction? Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.John 7:24 Let me ask a hypothetical question about a hypothetical person. Let’s say this person is a twenty-seven-year-old man. Let’s name him Ralph for...
No, Leighton Flowers, God is for God
He strikes again. Dr. Leighton Flowers continues his crusade of undoing the influence reformed theology has on our churches today. Normally Dr. Flowers simply takes aim at Calvinism. Yet with this latest post, he takes a dig at Soli Deo Gloria. You can read the...
Top Ten False Teachers You’ll Find in Evangelical Churches
False teachers are everywhere -- they're a dime a dozen. The Bible tells us that in the last days, many false prophets will arise and mislead many (Matthew 24:11), and we see this taking place right before our eyes. In fact, you can hardly swing a dead cat without...