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Francis Chan Removes Shoes, Catholic Priests Pray Over Him

by | Apr 2, 2019 | Blog, heresy, News | 0 comments

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It has long been known that Francis Chan has been on the wrong path for quite some time. We previously reported on Chan’s association with false teachers in the charismatic movement — such as Benny Hinn, Todd White, and Shawn Bolz. Chan followed up with a rebuttal stating that while he disagrees with some of the teachings of the prosperity gospel — a false gospel rampant at the recent Send Conference he partook in — he intended to use it as a platform to share the truth.

As previously reported, Chan himself has generally not strayed too far from a biblical message in his own preaching. Good on him for that much. But our issues was less about Chan’s preaching and more about the tacit approval he continually gives to rank heretics.

Now, Chan has taken it a step further. Chan has teamed up with the mother of harlots and is giving full approval to Roman Catholicism as he sits, takes his shoes off, and allows Catholic priests to pray over him at the OneThing ecumenical conference.

The OneThing Conference is held annually at IHOPKC, the charismatic church run by Mike Bickle out of Kansas City.

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When Chan invited the priests up on to the stage to pray for him, they spoke of each other as “brothers” who partake together in the Eucharist (a Roman Catholic perversion of the Lord’s Supper) and discussed the desire to be united in their “common faith.”

At one moment, a Catholic priest began to chant the Lord’s prayer they way it is chanted in a Roman Catholic Mass while Chan sat there with his head bowed. The entire congregation joined in on the repetitious chant.

Be sure to also see this video where Chan declines to give the gospel to a Catholic because “the Holy Spirit doesn’t want me to.” The entire ordeal was very bizarre. See video below:

[fvplayer id=”13″]

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