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What’s So Good About Good Friday?

What’s So Good About Good Friday?

Good Friday, a most sacred day, commemorated by Christians throughout the world, preceding the joyous celebration of Resurrection Sunday—unfortunately, oft referred to as Easter Sunday. This celebrated day marks the moment when Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14),...

Kenneth Copeland Named In Top 100 Most Reputable People in the World

Kenneth Copeland Named In Top 100 Most Reputable People in the World

Kenneth Copeland is arguably one of the most sinister and perverse spiritual frauds on the face of the planet -- throughout all of history. A man who has claimed anything from direct revelation from God to "lay hands" on an airplane to heal it to his high-profile...

Church Putting on Circus for Easter

Church Putting on Circus for Easter

Every church has their thing. Some focus on preaching. Some are more inclined to study the Word of God. Some meet at 7am, some at 11am. Some have a contemporary spin to their music, and some lean a little more traditional -- the good ole hymns. And, well, some put on...

Freemasons Must Be Ex-Communicated From the Church

Freemasons Must Be Ex-Communicated From the Church

When a man comes to Christ, he is made a new creation. He is born-again, given a new heart--new desires to follow Christ in obedience. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.2 Corinthians 5:17 With an...

Kyle Howard and Ekemini Uwan: The Epitome of Wickedness

By now, you are probably aware of the great "walk-out" that occurred when Ekemini Uwan, a race-baiter our of Westminster Theological Seminary took to the stage at a recent women's conference to spout racist anti-White filth to a room full of mostly women who came to...

Left-wing LGBT Activist Celebrates “Transitioning” Son Into a Girl

Left-wing LGBT Activist Celebrates “Transitioning” Son Into a Girl

A left-wing Democrat and LGBT activist, Mike Ginicola is celebrating the artificial transition of his son into a girl. "It’s official, we have a 4 year old daughter! Waylon is now Willow. Took A LOT of paperwork to make the gender transition," he proclaimed on Twitter...

Fifty LGBTQ Advocates Welcomed to Vatican by High Ranking Cardinal

Fifty LGBTQ Advocates Welcomed to Vatican by High Ranking Cardinal

The second -highest Vatican official after Pope Francis received a delegation of advocates working to end LGBTQ criminalization laws and conversion therapy, a meeting described by one Catholic group as a “great step forward” but which should prompt further action....

TGC’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy Cover-Up

TGC’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy Cover-Up

The Gospel Coalition and 9Marks are fully engaged in a cover-up of Sam Allberry’s abominable doctrines. Stop and think. has been full of appalling teaching and counsel for years. The men behind TGC and 9Marks have been promoting Sam Allberry and...

The Charismatic Cult of Bethel Redding

The Charismatic Cult of Bethel Redding

Bethel Church in Redding, CA is pastored by Bill Johnson who claims to be an Apostle -- that is, he claims Apostolic authority just like the twelve men during Christ's time on Earth. Bethel Redding, like all cults, is filled with aberrant, unbiblical teachings and...

Eric Mason’s Pelagian “Spiritual Father”

I want to address this subject with an enormous amount of care, as we are dealing with someone who is facing a serious illness that carries with it the possibility of the end of life. Tony Evan's wife, Lois has cancer, and it has returned. This is a family of people...

Ex-Reformed Pastor: Jesus Works, If You Work With Jesus

Ex-Reformed Pastor: Jesus Works, If You Work With Jesus

One of the linchpins of Roman Catholic theology is the rejection of salvation by grace alone and the embrace of a cooperative "faith plus works" salvation. In other words, in order to be saved, you must not only have faith in Jesus -- who only made salvation...

Five Scriptures to Memorize About Christ’s Sacrifice

Having a lot of Bible verses memorized is extremely rewarding. The more I have successfully memorized Scripture the more fruit I have found in my prayer life, evangelism, and Bible reading. I want to give you all some of my favorite Scriptures about Christ. I...

Most Evangelical Leaders Have No Idea How the Gospel Works

Most Evangelical Leaders Have No Idea How the Gospel Works

The Evangelical-Industrial Complex has long departed the historic and Biblical Christian faith and exchanged it for a system of emperors who have nothing better to do than to build and protect their own kingdoms. This can't be better displayed than in the modern...

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