by Jeremiah Cry Ministries“You will never see me again, this fight is killing me” —Charles SpurgeonThe Above quote was written to a friend by Charles Spurgeon in the midst of what was called the downgrade. For nearly 40 years, Spurgeon had preached the gospel in...
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The Reality of Eternal Hell and the Only Means of Escape: The Risen Son of God
The biblical narrative presents a vivid account of the Creation of humanity and the ensuing fall, a tragic event that separated us from our Creator and precipitated the spiritual and moral decline of mankind. The account, originating from the early chapters of Genesis...
Revoice Speaker, With Ties to TGC and the SBC, Talks About Welcoming Gay Family and Gay Children’s Pastor
Five years ago, Jeff would have fired me for being gay. Instead, he promoted me. Just a few months after coming out to him, the rest of the church staff, and some close friends, I was offered the children's pastor position at the church.John Wilson, gay Children's...
Justin Bieber Accuses Pastor of Adultery, Calls Him a “Heathen” and a “Hypocrite”
In a bizarre, now-deleted comment on Instagram, Justin Bieber accuses his pastor, Rich Wilkerson, of adultery calling him a "heathen" and a "hypocrite." The comment, which was a reply to this post on Instagram, sparked a lot of speculation about the relationship...
LifeWay Study Reveals “Racial Justice” and “Making My Life Better” Much Higher Priority Than Abortion For Evangelicals
There is no doubt that the Evangelical Church has been overtaken by social justice. I hope those agitators and instigators are happy, this is the fruit of their works. They've laid aside the gospel for another gospel altogether -- an inclusive gospel of works. A...
LifeWay Stores Sells Book by Sex-Trafficking Heretic Who Denied Deity of Jesus Christ
God can use anyone or anything for good. That we know. But it is also common knowledge that Martin Luther King Jr. was a heretic who denied the deity of Jesus, participated in orgies, and trafficked women for his own sexual pleasure. However, we don’t deny that God...
Westboro Protests Lesbians At Kansas City School, Blocked By Counter-Protest
It's safe to say that when a demonically-inspired "church" goes to protest a demonically-inspired curriculum at a public school, and they are blocked out by counter-protestors, this is a clear case of Satan casting out Satan. And if Satan casts out Satan, he is...
Beth Moore Diminishes Paul’s Apostolic Authority
Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist lady-preacher and Evangelical darling of LifeWay Stores, has been on a downward spiral since, well, ever since she began preaching. But nothing speaks downgrade more than Moore's trajectory over the last several months. Beth Moore has...
Abortions Are Not Performed on Women, So Women Should Have No Say in the Matter
Abortion is murder and nobody has the right to take the life of an innocent child. One of the stupidest arguments on the pro-abortion left is that it's "my body, my choice." The absurdity is beyond any sound logical reason. Abortions are not "performed" on women or...
Former Megapastor, Josh Harris Puts Out Bizarre Video, Appears High, Fantasizes Over Male Celebrity
You may remember that Reformation Charlotte broke the story in July that Joshua Harris, the former Purity Culture megachurch pastor, renounced his faith as he gave way to the LGBTQ guilt mafia. After Harris announced he was divorcing his wife, he followed suit that he...
Matt Maher Says Catholics and Other Denominations Worshiping Together Represents Heaven
Matt Maher is a Roman Catholic idolater that, for some reason, Evangelical Christians have latched on to as one of their own. I've written before that Matt Maher is not saved and that we need to stop singing his music in church. Matt Maher is a bridge-builder between...
Jemar Tisby Says Working Around Too Many White People Can Adversely Affect Your Mental Health
Jemar Tisby is one of the leading agitators of the modern racial division in Evangelical churches in America. He regularly incites hatred and division between blacks and whites by indicting all white people with the inherent guilt of former white American slave owners...
Pope Francis and United Arab Emirates Building First Interfaith Mega-Synagogue and Worship Center
If you're a dispensationalist or hold to a pre-millennial eschatology, you likely believe in a coming one-world order with a united, one-world religion. If you're a-millennial or post-millennial, maybe you don't -- but you still can't deny the interesting things that...
Gay Muslims Crowdsourcing Funds For Muslim Gay Pride Festival
Just when you thought the homosexual mafia couldn't make any further inroads, the last group of people on planet Earth you would expect to start accommodating homosexuals is Muslims. Of course, Christians should be the only group refusing to cave to the culture, but...
Doctor Performs Abortion on Wrong Patient After Mixing Up Medical Charts
A gynecologist and a nurse in South Korea accidentally performed an abortion on a woman in Seoul after mixing up her medical chart with another patient. It's not known what the woman had originally scheduled the appointment for, however, according to The Korea Herald,...
Watch SBC President Say Homosexuality Can Be Thought of as an Affliction and Not Just a Sinful Choice
During Southern Baptist president JD Greear's sermon on Romans 1, Greear mutilates God's Word by first and foremost by saying that homosexuality isn't as egregious as other sins, like boasting. In another video from that sermon, Greear refers to homosexuality as "an...
Relevant Magazine Owner Accused of Racism, Sexism, and Outright Unwokeness
Relevant Magazine hosts some of the most "woke" of all the Evangelical "wokeness." From David Platt to Lecrae, they are relevant (no pun intended) along the entire spectrum of social justice warriorism. With the site's top referrers, like The Gospel Coalition and John...
Former Evangelical Youth Pastor and Missionary Comes Out Gay and “Quits Faith”
I found more real joy and freedom when I left the Church. That all took place at 25. A former youth pastor, Steven Luke, takes to YouTube to explain how and why he decided to come out gay. Luke explains how he spent many years preaching to "thousands" of people at...
Beth Moore is the Mocker Described in Jude
In recent months, Beth Moore has clearly exposed herself as one of the greatest enemies to the true and living Church of Jesus Christ. While she has spent many years railing against the truth of God's Word, teaching false doctrine, and leading women -- and men --...
Voddie Baucham Confronts the Absurdity of Mark Dever’s Legitimizing of Voting for Democrats
One of the most biblically hypocritical movements in Evangelicalism is the legitimization of Christians who vote for Democrats. I've argued before that if you vote for a Democrat, you probably are not truly a Christian. I suppose there could be exceptions in extreme...
Justin Peters Declines Debate With Michael Brown Because He Lacks Discernment and Pastoral Qualifications
Recently, the chief apologist for the modern movement of the ancient Montanist heresy, the charismatic movement, challenged theologian and Christian apologist, Justin Peters to a discussion on "divine healings." Michael Brown published the challenge in response to...
Whirlpool Puts Out Ad Depicting White Kids As Most Likely to Be Clowns and Dropouts
Undoubtedly, this is the most socially polarized time in American history. In an all-out war against what the left perceives to be "white supremacy," progressives have taken unprecedented steps to paint white people as public enemy number one. The movement has grown...