You're probably aware by now that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), during its annual meeting in June, voted to disfellowship several churches with women pastors, including Saddleback Church which was formerly pastored by Rick Warren. During the convention, the...
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Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
The Word of God stands like a mighty mountain, steadfast amidst the shifting sands of human culture and philosophy. Yet, we see attempts at every turn to chip away at this divine edifice, to cast doubt upon its authenticity and to discredit its authority. Skeptics...
Toddler Death at Bethel Redding Reveals Sickness of the Charismatic Movement
Bethel Church in Redding, CA is pastored by Bill Johnson who claims to be an Apostle — that is, he claims Apostolic authority just like the twelve men during Christ’s time on Earth. Bethel Redding, like all cults, is filled with aberrant, unbiblical...
Southern Baptists, Calvary Chapel Supporting Ministry That Tells Women How to Have an Abortion
As Christians, we are to look at abortion as murder -- the unjust taking of innocent life -- and a non-option not only for believers but society as a whole. It is not something that we look at as a last resort after we've sought exhaustively all other options. No, it...
Northern Ireland Health Professionals Threaten to Resign Over Extreme Abortion Proposals
Over 100 health professionals have written to the Northern Ireland Secretary of State, Julian Smith, expressing concern over the new abortion framework for Northern Ireland. It comes after the Northern Ireland Office’s consultation on the proposed abortion framework...
After Pulling Lesbian Kissing Ad, Hallmark Apologizes to Homosexuals and Vows to Run More Gay Ads
Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported on the Hallmark channel who aired a lesbian wedding ad from d wedding planning company, Zola. After much outcry from being conservative community, Hallmark chose to pull the ad. now, Hallmark has apologized to the militant...
Young People Are Living In A ‘Digital Babylon’
Soon after the Internet boom in the 1990s, the Christian consulting firm WisdomWorks obtained software that could run automated chat groups – allowing anonymous teens to ask candid questions. Mark Matlock and his team called the project "Wise Intelligent Guide (WIG)."...
Church Puts on Blasphemous Display of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary in Cages to Oppose Donald Trump
Karen Clark Ristine, who is the "Senior Minister" of Claremont United Methodist Church in California, says she was "stirred to tears" after her church put up a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in cages. Karen Clark Ristine "What if this family sought...
A Response to Wayne Grudem’s Shifting Doctrinal Stance on Marriage and Divorce
In the wake of the #metoo/#churchtoo movement and subsequent conference put on by the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, well-known conservative evangelical scholar Wayne Grudem has changed his position on divorce. In his voluminous...
Popular NAR Cultist, Reinhard Bonnke Dies at 79 Years Old
A popular traveling evangelist and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) cultist has died at 79 years old. Reinhard Bonnke was in close circles with false teaches such as Mike Bickle of IHOPKC and others who preached a false gospel of health, wealth, and prosperity. As...
Santa Clause is a False God – John MacArthur
The following is an excerpt from a message that was delivered at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, By John MacArthur Jr. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 80-76, titled “A Son to Make Many Sons.” A copy of the tape can be obtained by writing,...
Greta Thunberg Being Taught As Religion In Swedish Schools
TEAPARTY247 -- Swedish schoolchildren are being taught to defend the climate alarmist arguments of Greta Thunberg in a course about “religious knowledge,” according to news outet Samhällsnytt and being reported on by Summit News. Kids are also apparently being asked...
How to Spot False Prophets and Overcome Their Lies
False prophets in almost every area of life gather followers who esteem them. It seems that the wilder these provocateurs’ proclamations, often based upon nothing more than imagination, the more they enhance their popularity. Their presence has increased to significant numbers today.
Homosexuals Push Hallmark and LIfetime to Start Running Gay Christmas Movies
While the Christmas season begins to gear up, let's take a moment to reflect on exactly what Christmas is. First, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our savior, Jesus. Okay, well it's supposed to be. Instead, it's a commercialized pagan celebration that is...
New Video Surfaces Showing that Al Mohler Fully Subscribes to Critical Race Theory
In a video posted on Vimeo between Al Mohler and several of his protégés at Southern Seminary, during part of the panel discussion, Mohler opens up and fully embraces Critical Race Theory and applies it to the Southern Baptist Convention. Critical Race...
SBC Seminary Fires Professor Over Conservative Stance on Homosexuality, ERLC Unhappy With His Teachings
Professor told not to discuss sex abuse or homosexuality. SWBTS told Lopez the ERLC was unhappy with his teachings. Did Never Trump ERLC have Pro-Trump professor fired? CAPSTONE REPORT -- Bad news for conservative Christians. First, Chick-Fil-A abandoned its...
Revoice Speaker Says Being “Queer” is a “Gift From God” That He Can Sanctify and Be Offered Back to Him
The Revoice Conference is a coalition of gay “Christians” who collude annually to prop up their status as outspoken homosexuals and promote the gay agenda of full acceptance and inclusion in the ranks of churches in America. Led by gay activists such as Nate Collins...
SBC Credentials Committee Creates Online “Tattle-Tell” Form to Report Non-Woke Churches
In 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution that affirmed the secular worldview of Critical Race Theory -- calling it a "valuable analytical tool" -- for dealing with issues of race in the Church and society. Critical Race Theory (CRT) emerged as an...
Salvation Army Leader Meets With Pope Francis to Promote “Ecumenism” and “Redemption of Humanity”
The Salvation Army has long been an icon of charity often dubbed the "Church of the Red Kettle" while its members can be seen standing outside of big box stores at Christmas collecting money to feed and give to the poor. While this is a noble cause, the Salvation Army...
Want to Know How Schools Are Indoctrinating Children With LGBTQ, Watch This Video
A video recently released explains how elementary-aged children are being indoctrinated with LGBTQ propaganda at a very early social stage. The indoctrination happens when children are at the stage where they mostly make friends of the same sex which causes confusion...
Hillsong Phoenix Hosting Roman Catholic Speaker in January 2020 along With Francis Chan
In January, Hillsong Phoenix will be hosting the Alpha Conference 2020 which will feature such ecumenical false teachers as Francis Chan and a Roman Catholic priest from the Archdiocese of Halifax, James Mallon. It comes as no surprise that Francis Chan would be...
Evangelicalism’s Trojan Horse: The Social Justice Movement
Many Southern Baptist leaders are caving in to the social justice movement which -- a Trojan for the Democratic agenda of liberalization and secularization of Christianity as a political tool. Some well-known pastors such as Thabiti Anyabwile have completely forgotten...