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Revoice Speaker Says Being “Queer” is a “Gift From God” That He Can Sanctify and Be Offered Back to Him

by | Dec 3, 2019 | Blog, The Church | 0 comments

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The Revoice Conference is a coalition of gay “Christians” who collude annually to prop up their status as outspoken homosexuals and promote the gay agenda of full acceptance and inclusion in the ranks of churches in America. Led by gay activists such as Nate Collins and Preston Sprinkle, the Conference promotes an identity of “gay” while committing to a life of “celibacy.” After all, other forms of same-sex intimacy are acceptable within the movement.

Revoice has been endorsed by a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary — a SBC seminary — who says despite some disagreements she now has with them, she still supports their mission. Despite the Revoice Conference’s total departure from orthodox biblical Christianity, many Evangelicals still either support them directly or indirectly, including The Gospel Coalition.

In the following video, you will see Revoice speaker Kevin Slusher talk about how homosexuality, or, as he frames it, “being queer” or being a “sexual minority” is actually a gift from God that can God can sanctify and use and can be offered back to him. While the video below is a snippet from the full video (which can be seen here), in the full video, he actually compares “gay Christians” to several biblical characters who God used to further the Kingdom such as Ruth and the Ethiopian Eunuch. It’s really weird.

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