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Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

“Atheism” is no longer an alien, rarely heard-of term. It is, in fact, a phenomenon that continues to grow at exponential rates in the 21st century. And when such a state of irreligiousness and disbelief engulfs the world while a great number of major and minor...

False Teacher of the Day #45: Sean Feucht

False Teacher of the Day #45: Sean Feucht

Making number 45 on our False Teacher of the Day Series is Sean Feucht. Feucht was a worship leader--part of Jesus Culture--which is a worship band out of the controversial Bethel Church in Redding, California led by the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)...

Are Your Favorite Celebrity Pastors Really Saved?

Are Your Favorite Celebrity Pastors Really Saved?

Everyone has their favorite celebrities. They may be sports players or musicians -- and many have their favorite celebrity Christian preachers. But are those really famous celebrity pastors and preachers who claim to be born again really saved? The short answer,...

18 Signs of Apostasy

18 Signs of Apostasy

by Matt Sherro There is a danger that has come into the sheepfold; apostates have come in and they probably have always been here. However, with the prevalence of social media, their influence has spread and it is more important than ever before to recognize the marks...

Podcast: Finding “Gospel Themes” in Pagan Entertainment

Podcast: Finding “Gospel Themes” in Pagan Entertainment

On today's podcast, we talk about the grip that entertainment has on the Church and at what point it becomes idolatry. We also discuss The Gospel Coalition's infatuation with finding "gospel themes" in pagan entertainment. Please subscribe to our channel and please...

Podcast: Weird Things Feminists Say in Church

Podcast: Weird Things Feminists Say in Church

On the Reformation Charlotte podcast, Jeff and Greg tackle the weird and outright gross things that feminists say and try to justify by twisting Scripture. We get to the root of the issue. Please subscribe to our channel and please support us....

Heresy of the Day #7: Finney-ism

Heresy of the Day #7: Finney-ism

Heresy: Finney-ism Finney-ism is a bit of a misnomer as there never was an actual school of theological thought or a movement named for Charles Grandison Finney, the subject of this article. However, Finney was both a man of renown in 19th century American religious...

Ed Litton Plagiarizes JD Greear’s Sermon on Romans 12

Ed Litton Plagiarizes JD Greear’s Sermon on Romans 12

In light of the news that Ed Litton, the newly-elected Southern Baptist president who has been caught up in a plagiarism scandal dubbed "Sermongate," will be appearing on a Southern Baptist podcast today to defend his indefensible actions, it became clear that it...

Heresy of the Day #6: Adoptionism

Heresy of the Day #6: Adoptionism

Heresy: Adoptionism Adoptionism is the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was born a man and later adopted as the son of god. As usual, there were some varying versions of this false teaching, but unlike most others, adoptionism is not named for its inventor. It is first...

Heresy of the Day #5: Apollinarism

Heresy of the Day #5: Apollinarism

Heresy: Apollinarism Apollinarianism, named for Apollinarius of Laodecia (4th century) is the belief that Jesus Christ was born in a normal common human body descended from Adam, but had no finite human soul and mind. His immaterial nature was wholly divine and his...

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