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Are You a Heretic? Take This Quiz to Find Out

Are You a Heretic? Take This Quiz to Find Out

Have you ever wanted to know if you were a heretic? Do you believe and accept the basic tenets of orthodox biblical Christianity? This quiz will give you a short glimpse into your biblical and theological acumen and will raise a red flag if you hold to any heresies...

Presuppositionalism and Evangelism: The Innate Knowledge of God

Presuppositionalism and Evangelism: The Innate Knowledge of God

Paul says something that people, even professing Christians, don't like: "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them,...

Is the Pope on a Marxist Mission?

Is the Pope on a Marxist Mission?

In the latest news, the Pope donated a whopping $500,000 for the migrants who are stranded in Mexico. In 2018, he donated his car for search and rescue charity. He also donated $1000,000 to the victims of the earthquake in Indonesia. Commendable, we’re...

Beth Moore Has Disappeared, Does Anyone Know Her Whereabouts?

Beth Moore Has Disappeared, Does Anyone Know Her Whereabouts?

Beth Moore has struck a nerve in complementarian evangelical circles in recent weeks. Moore has repeatedly stood her ground, tweeting multiple times a day, insisting that contrary to Scripture, not only does she have the right to hold authority over men, but she's...

Liberals Mad Because White Men Want to Save Black Babies

The racial divide is perpetuated by racist hate that comes out of the progressive Democrat sect of society. The hatred -- fueled by Marxist propaganda -- is so strong that all logic, reason, and rationality is lost in it. Even those who profess to be Christians are so...

All Small Churches Are Struggling — An Unfair Assumption

All Small Churches Are Struggling — An Unfair Assumption

It’s only human for us to think of a venture to be successful if it’s huge in size and scope. A company has to make big bucks in order to be called successful. A person has to land a high-paying job, and wouldn’t be considered successful if there wasn’t an element of...

Lecrae Downplays Abortion, Makes False Argument About Murder

Lecrae Downplays Abortion, Makes False Argument About Murder

Lecrae is the "rapper who happens to be Christian" who is fully caught up in the woke social justice movement in the Evangelical Church. Lecrae has vocally opposed conservative politics and has denounced America along with its president, Donald Trump. Lecrae, who has...

Pat Robertson Says Alabama Abortion Ban “Too Restrictive”

Pat Robertson Says Alabama Abortion Ban “Too Restrictive”

When it comes to abortion, you would expect those who actually claim to be pro-life to appreciate laws that actually stop the murder of innocent children in the womb. Alabama has done this, passing the Human Life Protection Act, a bill that would effectively ban all...

David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio

David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio is a false teacher. For anyone with a modicum of theological acumen who also knows the kinds of things that Giglio teaches and practices, this is not up for debate. But for those who are unaware, for starters, Giglio promotes a heresy that is rampant in...



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