The racial divide is perpetuated by racist hate that comes out of the progressive Democrat sect of society. The hatred — fueled by Marxist propaganda — is so strong that all logic, reason, and rationality is lost in it. Even those who profess to be Christians are so enamored by their secular ideology that anything resembling biblical conservatism is labeled as oppressive white supremacy.
That is certainly the case with the recent abortion ban in Alabama. While legislation that effectively bans nearly all abortions in the state of Alabama was passed by a Republican majority — incidentally consisting of 25 white males — the act has been painted as a way to control women, especially black women, and legislate sex that doesn’t conform to “religious fundamentalism.”
Of course, this insanity at its finest. Below is a tweet from the radical feminist Democrat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

And below is a video calling out the 25 “white Republican men” who supposedly want to control women.
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The reality is, the Democrat party is totally godless. It is the party of the fully depraved and unredeemed by God. It is the party of the given-over. If there is any doubt left in anyone’s mind, there shouldn’t be — if you are a Democrat, you are probably not saved.
These men that passed this bill — whether or not they are Christians — have a better grasp on general revelation than do even many professing Christians do today. God has revealed himself through creation, and those who stand against abortion recognize that human beings are created in the image of God, that life begins at conception, and that we, as mere creatures, don’t have the right to take the life of another.