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Response to Robert Gagnon Defense of the Gifts – Part 1

Response to Robert Gagnon Defense of the Gifts – Part 1

In this episode, I rant about the deficient logic and conjectural exegesis displayed by the highly respected Robert Gagnon regarding the gifts of the Spirit and whether or not those gifts are active in the churches today. Dr. Gagnon’s work in the areas of political...

Tim Keller Questions: “If There is a God…”

In reality, with all of his problems, it is actually doubtful that Tim Keller actually questions if there is a God. In fact, I would argue from the Scriptures that nobody actually questions the existence of God deep down -- even atheists. People will simply suppress...

Pastor Sells Soap He Claims Can “Wash Away Your Sins”

Pastor Sells Soap He Claims Can “Wash Away Your Sins”

A self-appointed "prophet" who goes by the name "Prophet Shepherd Bushuri" in Malawi is selling soap that he says can "wash away your sins," according to reports. The soap, dubbed the Lion of Judah Soap, aka Bushiri Soap, is said to be able to cleanse one of their...

Interfaith Group to Host Amnesty Propaganda Film in Hickory, NC

HICKORY, NC -- An interfaith coalition pro-amnesty pro-open borders advocates are planning to host a screening of the film, SantuarioFilm.com -- an illegal immigration propaganda film -- at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 1, at Belk Centrum on the campus of Lenoir-Rhyne...


Why Did Jesus Say That People Need to Be Born Again?

Why Did Jesus Say That People Need to Be Born Again?

Surveys have shown that 3 out of 4 Americans relate that they have been born again. Sadly, most of these people misunderstand the nature of the new birth, as described in the Bible. Their confusion dishonors God, offends Christ, and grieves the Holy Spirit....

Does Deuteronomy 20:10-20 Suggest that God Condones Rape?

Does Deuteronomy 20:10-20 Suggest that God Condones Rape?

The passage in Deuteronomy 20:10-20 is often misunderstood and has been used against Christianity by non-Christians to suggest that God condoned horrific acts of violence such as rape. It is important to understand the context in which this passage was written and to...


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