Kathryn Krick—self-proclaimed apostle, erstwhile actress, and purveyor of modern-day miracles—proffers an eye-catching...
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Results for "kat err"
Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister
Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has...
Pink-haired Prophetess Says You’ll Never Lose Your Scarf or Cell Phone in Heaven, You Can Command Them Back to You
I honestly don't know if this woman suffers from delusions of grandeur, if she's schizophrenic, or if she's just doing...
NY Governor Announces “Social Media Analysis Unit” Who Will Come After You if You Post “Hate Speech” Online
In the latest episode of what can only be described as a political theatre of the absurd, New York Governor Kathy...
Popular Christian Leaders Share Platform With Queer and Transgender “Christians” at “Christian” Conference
Max Lucado, a figure who once at least held a veneer of Christian orthodoxy about him, has now capitulated to a...
Kenneth Copeland Says Not Tithing is Akin to Carrying a “Ticking Time Bomb”
In a recent clip that's making the rounds, Kenneth Copeland, the self-appointed prophet and prosperity gospel...
Charismatic Prophetess Has Bizarre Loch Ness Monster “Prophecy” and Compares Patricia King to Jesus
In the ever-expanding realm of self-proclaimed Christian leaders, few figures are as bewildering as Katie Souza. Armed...
Saddleback Names Woman as New “Campus Pastor” as SBC Battles Influx of Women Pastors
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has faced several uphill battles over the last decade fighting an influx of...
Queer Explains Why it’s Necessary that UK Give Out Gender Recognition Certificates
If you are 18 or older, and have been living as your chosen gender for at least two years, you may apply for a Gender...
Elijah List Announces Yet Another List of “Prophecies” by False Prophets About Trump’s Return to Office
It's always a good time when the self-proclaimed prophets come out with their latest and greatest predictions about...
False Prophet Says God Showed Her How Hard it Was for Christ to “Decide” to Come to Earth
The concept of God's eternal decree, also known as predestination or divine sovereignty, is a fundamental biblical...
Veggie Tales Creator Complains that Candace Cameron Bure’s TV Channel Won’t Have Any Queers
Phil Vischer, the creator of the ever-popular Christian cartoon series Veggie Tales, has in recent years become a...
Methodist Church Elects Second Openly Gay Bishop and Asks Conservative Leaders to Step Down
In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ...
The Royal Family Has One Scandal After Another—Time to Shut it Down?
King Charles of the United Kingdom made the decision to be known as Charles III, and I hope he remembers that Charles...
False Prophet Tells Bizarre Story of Seeing Jesus Save People During 9/11 Because Relatives Were Praying for Them
Kat Kerr may be one of the most bizarre people on the planet constantly telling fables and fairy tales about being...
Pink Haired Prophetess Has Epic Meltdown During Prayer, Slips Into Verse and Begins to Make Impromptu Poem
Kat Kerr, the pink-haired self-described “prophetess” has said some pretty bizarre things. This woman, who says she...
Charismatic “Prophetess” Says God Allowed Trump to Lose so God Could Reveal Himsel to Trump
Amanda Grace, a becoming-more-popular New Apostolic Reformation charismatic "prophetess," has been making waves in...
Elijah List’s Pink-Haired Prophetess Says Cows Drive Around on Tractors in Heaven
Kat Kerr, the pink-haired self-described “prophetess” has said some pretty bizarre things. This woman, who says she...
NY Governor Says Legal Concealed Carry for Self-Protection “Makes Everyone Feel Unsafe”
I don't know about you, but it isn't legal law-abiding citizens carrying guns that make me feel unsafe, it's the...
Tom Ascol Answers Questions About Tom Buck Blackmail Scandal, Character Assassination on Mike Stone, and More
Southern Baptist Convention presidential candidate, Tom Ascol, answered several questions about his presidential...

A Rebuttal to Kevin DeYoung’s Non-Confrontational Christianity
History has never suffered a shortage of theologians who chose comfort over confrontation, accommodation over courage. In the courts of corrupt kings and the halls of dead and decaying empires, there were always those willing to drape cowardice in the language of...

PCUSA Policy Places “Trans” Boys in Girls Cabins and Showers at Camps and Blames Girls If They Don’t Like It
There’s an old saying about foxes guarding henhouses. It turns out the Presbytery of Western North Carolina has taken that metaphor and cranked it up to eleven, not just letting the foxes guard the chickens, but setting up a cozy little Airbnb for them right inside...

SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor
Once upon a time, Southern Baptists knew what a pastor was. Not that it was ever complicated. The Bible, clear as a bell, lays it out—a pastor is a man, called by God, qualified by Scripture, and entrusted with the shepherding of the flock. And for a while, the SBC...

Atlanta Pastor Calls Blacks Who Support Trump “Coons” and “Runaway Slaves”
You may remember Jamal Bryant, a master manipulator who cloaks his racial demagoguery in the theatrics of a charismatic preacher. I’ve written about him before. From comparing Kamala Harris to Esther to proposing marijuana farms on church property, Bryant has never...
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