Hillsong is no stranger to controversy as it is a man-centered culturally-minded organization that has one mission --...
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Results for "hillsong cult"
Hillsong Founder Responds to Songwriter’s Defection From the Faith: He Wasn’t a Leader
This past weekend, Reformation Charlotte reported on the popular Hillsong songwriter, Marty Sampson, who renounced his...
Hillsong Founder Brian Houston’s Daughter (and Pastor) “Likes” Her Colleague’s Renunciation of Faith
Earlier today, Reformation Charlotte reported on one of Hillsong's most popular songwriters, Marty Sampson, who...
Highly Popular Hillsong Songwriter Renounces Faith
I wish I could say I was surprised by what should be major news, but I'm not. Hillsong is a prosperity gospel cult...
Casting Crowns to Tour With Elevation and Hillsong
Casting Crowns has long been heralded as one of the few modern worship groups that hadn't been completely given over...
Kari Jobe, Hillsong, Bethel Music Steeped in Pagan Idolatry
There was something peculiar about the old hymns that churches would embrace and sing together on Sunday mornings. For...
Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz Says ‘I Can’t Help You With Religion, Religion is Dead’
What do you get when you mix the hip celebrity culture with a pseudo-religious attempt to make yourself look and act...
Hillsong Founder Throws Chris Pratt Under the Bus: ‘He’s Not a Member of Our Church’
After a couple weeks of a heated exchange between lesbian actress, Ellen Page and actor Chris...
Hillsong Celeb, Justin Bieber: ‘I wouldn’t consider myself religious’
Hillsong is a Sunday morning entertainment venue that attracts mostly unregenerate, immoral people who want to be...
Hillsong Church Phoenix Conducting a Catholic Mass and Hosting Catholic Priest at Alpha Conference 2019
Hillsong Church is a hotbed for heresy–a celebrity-minded prosperity gospel Sunday morning entertainment venue where...
Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church
Hillsong Church does not exist to preach the Word of God, and to draw people to Christ, bringing glory to His holy name–it exists to draw people to their music, making them money, and giving them power, and giving glory to their man-centered, man-built pseudo-spiritual empire. Brian Houston clearly preaches a false gospel. Southern Baptist leader, Albert Mohler, stated,
Hillsong: A Breeding Ground for False Converts – And Your Church Pays for It
Elitist Megachurch Pastors Allowed to Travel to Mexico While Most Australians Locked Down
Elitist culture is typical within the lifestyles of the "rich and famous." At least, that's how it's perceived by the...
John Piper Returns to Passion Conference in 2020, Joins Host of False Teachers
John Piper used to be a reputable pastor. In Reformed circles, he was one that you could turn to for solid biblical...
The Tragedy of the Modern Church is that She’s Indistinguishable from the World
Walk into almost any modern Evangelical church today, and you might be forgiven for wondering whether you've...
Contemporary Worship is a Breeding Ground for Idolatry and False Worship, Leading to Judgment
The Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) industry is a modern-day embodiment of false worship and idolatry—mooching off...
Jars of Clay Lead Singer Shows Up at LGBT Pride Festival to “Show My Support”
Apostasy—which comes from the Greek word apostasia ("ἀποστασία") which literally means in the context of Scripture,...
Historic Protestant Heidelberg Church Devolves Into Secular Spectacle Hosting Taylor Swift-Themed Service
This morning, I stumbled upon an article that left me both perplexed and saddened. It was about the Church of the Holy...
IHOPKC Winding Down, Coming to a Close, According to Leaked Recording of IHOP University President
Despite what Mike Bickle claims, IHOPKC was never a move of God or a work of the Holy Spirit, rather, it was a...
Former Caedmon’s Call Artist Releases Song “Some Gods Deserve Atheists” During Church Service
Deconstruction is a difficult phenomenon to watch happen to someone. Deconstruction is apostasy—and over the years,...

State of the Union Address Proves the Left Have Been Given Over by God to a Debased Mind
If there was ever a night that confirmed the Democrat Party and its allies have been handed over to a debased mind, last night’s State of the Union Address was it. The theater of malevolence was in full swing, an outright spectacle of loathing and rebellion against...

A Rebuttal to Kevin DeYoung’s Non-Confrontational Christianity
History has never suffered a shortage of theologians who chose comfort over confrontation, accommodation over courage. In the courts of corrupt kings and the halls of dead and decaying empires, there were always those willing to drape cowardice in the language of...

PCUSA Policy Places “Trans” Boys in Girls Cabins and Showers at Camps and Blames Girls If They Don’t Like It
There’s an old saying about foxes guarding henhouses. It turns out the Presbytery of Western North Carolina has taken that metaphor and cranked it up to eleven, not just letting the foxes guard the chickens, but setting up a cozy little Airbnb for them right inside...

SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor
Once upon a time, Southern Baptists knew what a pastor was. Not that it was ever complicated. The Bible, clear as a bell, lays it out—a pastor is a man, called by God, qualified by Scripture, and entrusted with the shepherding of the flock. And for a while, the SBC...
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