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John Piper Returns to Passion Conference in 2020, Joins Host of False Teachers

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Politics, Theology | 0 comments

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John Piper used to be a reputable pastor. In Reformed circles, he was one that you could turn to for solid biblical advice and theological teaching. But his slide into theological disarray began with his reinterpretation of the historic Westminster Catechism quote, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.” Piper wrote his own version of this into to what now says, “God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him.”

This new interpretation is not a doctrine found anywhere in Scripture, yet, this subtle change changes the entire dynamics of one’s theology. John Piper, who has regularly attended Louie Giglio’s Passion Conference for a number of years, has done so based on his own invention of this unbiblical doctrine. Of Louie Giglio, he writes in his book, An All-Consuming Passion for Jesus,

Louie Giglio came to my house in 1997, and we sat down at my dining room table. We did not know each other, and he had heard and read some things. He said, ‘I am looking for a person whose whole message revolves around the glory of God in Christ, and you seem to me to be one of those.’

We talked about Christian Hedonism and the relationship between desiring God on the one hand and God being glorified on the other hand. If you go to their app and look under ‘Who we are,’ they have almost word for word: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.

That’s what unites Louie and me. That’s what the movement is. The movement is not about any particular cause. It is about the fame of Jesus.”

Piper’s endorsement of Louie Giglio and the Passion Conference is clearly not based on sound biblical theology, but some emotional made up teaching, Christian Hedonism. So what’s the problem with the conference? For starters, it’s filled with false teachers — and Piper, who so many hold in such high regard as a solid Bible teacher, clearly approves of them. He is, in his own words, united with them. He isn’t there just to get on the stage to preach the gospel to their audience. He sees himself as one of them and clearly sees them all in full communion with him.

Passion 2019 is riddled with Charismatics, Prosperity and Word of Faith preachers, and social justice warriors. Speakers ranging from Hillsong cult’s female prosperity gospel preacher of works righteousness, Christine Caine to Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson, who preaches that Jesus died to help us fulfill our dreams, it is clear that the gaggle of false teachers here are certainly united around one thing — hedonism. And of course there are others, like Levi Lusko who adds stories to the Bible, LeCrae, who supports the most pro-abortion political candidates out there because of their skin color, and, of course, the Giglio’s themselves, who teach a heresy known as little-god theology.

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It’s just sad to see the continual slide into apostasy among so many that we once believed we could trust. It just goes to show that men are totally depraved and the most trustworthy source of truth is found in Scripture alone. And anyone who deviates in any way from Scripture should be avoided.

Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.  If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

2 John 9-11

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