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Results for "beth moore"
Southern Baptist President and Word of Faith Heretic, Christine Caine, Mutually Promote Each Other
Christine Caine is a "pastor" of Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia who is basically the Australian version of Beth...
Jen Hatmaker Says the Church Isn’t Black, Gay, and Transgender Enough.
Jen Hatmaker, who recently filed for divorce after revealing that her daughter was a flaming lesbian after affirming...
Gay-Affirming “Christian” Podcaster, Jen Hatmaker, Files for Divorce
Jen Hatmaker, the gay-affirming so-called "Christian" podcaster who is well-known for her run on HGTV and...
The Evangelical #metoo Movement Doesn’t Care that Joe Biden Cupped Woman’s Breast During Photo Op
The #churchtoo movement, basically, the Southern Baptist Convention's version of the feminist #metoo movement, is also...
SBC’s Lifeway Selling “Gen Z Translation” of Bible That Makes a Mockery of God’s Word
Lifeway, the media and publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, has long been known for its proclivity...
Three Cheers For Crummy Evangelicalism
Why am I not surprised? Why am I not surprised at all? Why am I not surprised to find out that most Americans don’t...
ERLC #ChurchToo Leader Turns the Resurrection Into a Marxist “Dismantling of Systems”
Susan Codone is a professor at Mercer University and a contributor to the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious...
Jemar Tisby and The Idolatry of Melanin
There is a real problem lurking behind the social justice/wokeness movement. The problem can be traced back in time...
Southern Baptist Echo Chamber, SBC Voices, Accuses Tom Buck of Racism and Misogyny
Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte along with Tom Buck, a reformed pastor and PhD graduate of Southern Baptist...
Now We Know Why Jen Hatmaker is Gay-Affirming. Her Daughter is a Lesbian.
Several years ago, Jen Hatmaker, popular "Christian" podcaster and speaker and besties with Beth Moore, came out as...
Evangelical Leader Likes Tweet That Suggests White People Are Naturally Inclined to Kill Black People
Ray Ortlund is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the modern Evangelical Church. He is also the epitome of...
Southern Baptist Church Names Woman as “Teaching Pastor”
Despite the fact that the Scriptures are clear that women are not to teach, progressive churches continue to rebel...
Covington High School Kid to Sue Five More News Outlets
The Covington High School kid who was slandered and maligned on social media and mainstream news outlets settled with...
Female “Pastor” Says Her God is a Black Woman With Dreadlocks Who Sings in a “Contralto Voice”
Serial blasphemer and "senior minister" of Middle Collegiate Church in New York -- a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual...
Jen Hatmaker Says She Questioned Evangelical Faith Because Gay People Couldn’t Have Sex With Each Other
Jen Hatmaker has been on a path to destruction for a long time. Hatmaker first came out of the closet of homosexual...
Christianity Today: Biblical Hospitality and Community Causes Christians to Desire Multiple Sex Partners
Preston Sprinkle is one of the founders of the pro-homosexual Revoice conference who is heavily promoted by some...
Paula White Says She Went to the Throne Room of God, Saw Him Face to Face
It is extremely difficult to find people more out of touch with reality and engulfed in their own fairy tales than...
Southern Baptist ERLC Leader and Contributor Endorses Pro-gay LGBT Activists, Rachel Held Evans and Jen Hatmaker
Susan Codone is a professor at Mercer University and a contributor to the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious...
Pastor Who Invited Female Preacher to SBC Pastors’ Conference Says He’s Now Worried About Her Safety
Reformation Charlotte reported yesterday that David Uth, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Orlando, FL -- who also...
FEMA Director Compared Trump Signs to Vicious Dogs to Justify Skipping Homes. Are Bibles Next?
As if we needed another reminder of how far the left is willing to go to punish their ideological opponents, the news out of Florida is yet another ugly revelation. FEMA, the federal agency supposedly tasked with providing life-saving disaster relief, has been exposed...
Russell Moore Compares Trump Voters to Porn Addicts Seeking Physical Gratification
For the better part of a decade, Russell Moore has performed like a self-important opera queen—a four-hundred-pound monster teetering on sequined heels, a glittering spectacle of vanity, belting out overwrought laments to an audience no one can see. His hand-wringing,...
Christian Nationalist Leader Calls on Ron DeSantis to Appoint SBC Pastor to Replace Rubio
Oklahoma pastor and state senator Dusty Deevers is calling on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to appoint Southern Baptist pastor Tom Ascol to replace Senator Marco Rubio, who is expected to leave his seat to serve as Secretary of State in the Trump administration.In a...
Major UK Retail Chain Pulls Blasphemous Merchandise After Backlash
Debenhams, sort of a UK version of JC Penney, has chosen this Christmas season to unveil a revolting new way to insult Christians. The controversy centers on a line of so-called "festive" merchandise emblazoned with the phrase "A Gay in a Manger." Among the worst...
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