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Paula White Says She Went to the Throne Room of God, Saw Him Face to Face

by | Feb 21, 2020 | heresy, News, The Church, Theology

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It is extremely difficult to find people more out of touch with reality and engulfed in their own fairy tales than Beth Moore, but Paula White is one of the most demonic false prophet Jezebels in existence today. In fact, Paula White is probably the only woman out there in all of Christendom who is further off the rocker than Beth Moore.

Paula White, like Beth Moore, likes to tell stories of imaginary visitations with God and pass them off as though she has some kind of special, direct revelation from God to share with the world. These fanciful tales are used to prop themselves up as some kind of authority who then speaks on behalf of God. Then, they use that to manipulate their audience. While Beth Moore is getting better at this practice, Paula White has it down pat.

In the video below, Paula White speaks about going literally and directly to the throne of God and seeing God face to face. She has the music to back it up and the trembling voice down pat for effect. It’s so sad to see that so many people are deceived by these people.

“I just know that kind of power is almost impossible for a natural body to contain,” Paula White lied, “I went to the throne room of God. And first I saw there was a mist, it was coming off the water. And I went to the throne of God. And I didn’t see God’s face clearly, but I saw the face of God.”

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Note: Reformation Charlotte does not endorse Right Wing Watch, but they are generally good at spotting these fringe charismatic false prophets.

Unfortunately, for Paula White, this did not happen. She knows it did not happen. But she has deceived herself into believing that she will not have to face the wrath of God for her error. Sadly, she will.

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