I’ve been writing a lot about Roman Catholicism the last few days—from the pope now permitting priests to “bless” same-sex couples to dismantling heretical doctrines that the Roman Catholic Church has propagated for centuries. And while this stuff is all terrible,...
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Journalist Argues 6-Year-Olds Should Be Able to “Transition” at Schools Without Parental Knowledge
Jonathan Lis, a British journalist known for his insane commentary on “transgenderism” and other issues surrounding sexual immorality, recently made a startling assertion regarding children and gender transition. He argues that even six-year-olds should have the...
Trump Lays Into NBC at Whitehouse Briefing, “You’re a Bad Reporter,” “I Call Them Con-Cast, not Comcast”
NBC reporter Peter Alexander asks Donald Trump "what do you say to all the Americans who are scared?" Trump responds, "I say to them that you're a terrible reporter. That's what I say." "I think that's a very nasty question," Trump said, "and I think that's a very bad...
Female Bethel Church Pastor Declares Coronavirus “Conquered in Jesus’ Name”
What these frauds don't seem to understand is that diseases like the coronavirus are not "demons" that need to be "conquered," they are the judgment of God on a fallen and cursed world. Jesus has already defeated sin and death, but the curse of this world remains --...
Elevation Church is From Hell
Elevation Church is one of the most subversive and dangerous pseudo-Christian movements in the world. Following in the footsteps of Hillsong, Steven Furtick, the lead pastor, has built an empire that has grown tremendously with now over 20 campuses and even...
Gay Presidential Candidate Preaches at Black Baptist Church in South Carolina
An interesting trend is that black churches in the South are opening their doors to Pete Buttigieg, an open homosexual running in the Democrat presidential primary, and even giving him the pulpit to address the congregation. In December, a black church in North...
The Answer to Bullying is the Wrath of God and the Gospel. Give Bullies a Taste of Their Own Medicine
In the wake of a mother who shared a heartbreaking video of her 9-year-old child who is constantly bullied at his school, awareness is being raised around the world about the incessant problem of school bullies who need a good butt-whooping. While so many people from...
Pastor Who Said He No Longer Allows Hillsong at His Church Explains How You Can Talk to Your Pastor About Hillsong and Bethel
Earlier this month, Reformation Charlotte published an article that featured a pastor who preached a sermon on why he no longer allows Hillsong and Bethel music in his church after he did some research on them. Pastor David Henneke explained to his congregation the...
Francis Chan Says Homosexuality Not Worse than Divorce, Approaches Them the Same Way
Francis Chan has not only gone completely off the rockers lately, but he has taken many with him. Francis Chan has surrounded himself with the worst of the worst, and guess what, Chan — who used to at one point hold to some semblance of orthodoxy — has fully embraced...
John MacArthur: Charismatics Have Made No Contributions to Sound Doctrine
John MacArthur is one of the fiercest opponents to the charismatic movement alive today. While MacArthur acknowledges that there are some who are part of the movement that understand the gospel, he also rightfully states that their views are heterodox on the ministry...
9Marks Leader, Mark Dever, Defends the Legitimacy of Voting for Pro-Choice Candidates for Social Justice Causes
I'm not going to shy away from it at this point, the social justice movement that has co-opted Evangelicalism is a demonic influence that turns hearts away from the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and sets people's minds on temporal self-entitlement. In this...
Black Woman at UVA Up and Complains “Too Many White People in Here” at “Multicultural” Study Area on Campus
Racism was a huge problem in the past that has now been mostly eradicated -- at least, it was, until the leftists took over the art and reversed it. Now, all the rage in this "progressive" society points to white people as the enemy to be eradicated. One student at...
Pastor Explains Why After Researching, He No Longer Allows Hillsong, Bethel, or Elevation Music in His Church
Reformation Charlotte has been exposing the corruption in the charismatic music industry for years. In several articles, we explain how these prosperity gospel organizations use their music industry as a snare to lure young people into their movements. In our article,...
Liberal Private School Found to Have 21 Instances of Child Sexual Assault by Teachers
What happens when you mix a liberal sexual ethic with an endless supply of young, impressionable children? At one school, you get at least 21 cases of sexual assault by teachers on students. This school, The Catlin Gabel School -- a private school in West Haven-Sylvan...
Joyce Meyer Preaches While Laying Over a Toilet Saying She Had One of Her “Greatest Spiritual Moments”
I wish I could say that this is satire, but sadly it is not. Charlatans like Joyce Meyer regularly turn the Christian faith into a joke and that's bad enough -- we don't need to add to it. When it comes to false prophets and false teachers, the best thing we can do is...
Megachurch Holds Chiefs Pep Rally Between Services on Super Bowl Sunday Morning During Church
The amount of idolatry prevalent in professing churches today is astonishing, to say the least. While God has a true remnant of believers who actually show up to church on Sunday mornings out of a desire to follow Christ and to worship Him, the vast majority of those...
Liz Warren Says She Will Only Hire a Secretary of Education That’s Interviewed and Approved by a “Young Trans Person”
In her typical, nervous, crackling voice, presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren promises a crowd of people that whoever she hires as her secretary of education will be interviewed and approved of by a young, trans person who she says is "concerned" about the future of...
Watch Bethel Church Students Violently Shake While Attributing These Blasphemous Acts to the Holy Spirit
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is the training extension of the cult known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA. If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware they practice such things as grave sucking (or grave soaking) whereby people lay on the...
Did Joyce Meyer Actually Preach the Gospel?
Last year, Joyce Meyer admitted to her audience that she had been preaching a false gospel by focusing too much on "prosperity." Meyer is an icon in the Word of Faith movement and a well-known "grandma" to many other lady-preachers -- including Beth Moore and...
Megachurch Pastor Humiliates Mother from Pulpit, Boots Her from Congregation for “Noisy Child”
Dan Smith is the senior pastor of United Church of Gallatin, TN who was arrested in 2009 for driving under the influence of alcohol and had to step down from ministry but recently came back to plant this church. During a recent sermon, Smith called out a mother in the...
Boston College Student Says Babies Who Survive Abortions Should Die Because They Aren’t Babies
In a recent dialogue between Students for Life of America (SFLA) and a student at Boston College, a student at the microphone was asked by the moderator if she believed that a baby who was born alive during an abortion at Planned Parenthood should receive care. The...
(BANNED VIDEO) Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons | Full Short Film
After months of battle, Created Equal Films has overcome attempts by Hollywood media elites to ban the film Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons. Today, Created Equal Films re-released this short documentary exposing the troubling link between Satanism and abortion....