The Netflix series "CoComelon Lane," a popular show aimed at toddlers, has recently raised eyebrows for an episode featuring a young boy dressed in a tutu and tiara dancing for his two homosexual "dads." In this particular episode, the boy, Nico, is seen trying to...
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Prestonwood Baptist Church Marches Camels Through Congregation During Christmas Special
Charles Spurgeon, known as the Prince of Preachers, once predicted a time when the church would move from shepherds feeding sheep to clowns entertaining goats. Observing our times, it seems we've not just fulfilled this prediction, but surpassed it—now, it's as if...
Christian University Prez Posts Picture of Him and Woman With Pants Unzipped on Vacation
In a very bizarre Instagram post, Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr. posted a picture of himself standing next to another woman, not his wife, with both of their pants unzipped. The image was captioned with Falwell's disclaimer, "I promise that's just...
Fauci Stunned by Question About Limiting Protesting, Says He Can’t Determine What Government Can Do
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has essentially led the entire planet into a near-total lockdown with his constant professional opining on subjects from handshaking to church gatherings, was recently asked by Representative Jim Jordan if the mass protests in the cities around...
John MacArthur Says None of His Friends are Standing With Him as He Defies Tyranny
John MacArthur recently took a stand against government tyranny when he released a statement declaring that his church would not succumb to the intrusion of government into the right to freely worship unhindered. In the wake of MacArthur's stand, he has taken a lot of...
Obama Uses John Lewis Eulogy to Promote Mail-in Ballots and Whine About Voter ID
Former president, Barack Obama, is an expert at grandstanding. During the late John Lewis' funeral, Obama gave a Eulogy that had little to do with the legacy of the pro-abortion Democrat politician and more about using his platform to give a campaign speech for Joe...
Mask Karen Confronts 2yo Children and Mother in Store, “I Hope You All Die”
When mask-wearing becomes a cult, you will begin to see people willing to do anything -- even risk their own sanity -- to defend the religious and ritualistic act. This is exactly what we're seeing take place all over the country today. If you want to wear a mask,...
COVID Doctor Challenges Dr. Fauci and CNN Hosts to Urine Test to Prove They Aren’t Taking HCQ
Unless your head has been under a rock, you've seen the sweeping politicization of the well-known drug, Hydroxycloroquine. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump touted the early results of the drug as a possible "game changer" that showed much...
Black Man in Portland Beats Two White Women With Large Hand Saw in Laundromat
Surveillance video has been released on a Portland black man who barged into a laundromat and beat two white women over the head with large hand saw. According to BPR, the suspects name is Shane Vordelmicha Green and he is 58 years old. Surveillance video outside...
NC Governor Says You Can’t Buy Food Unless You Submit to His Facemask Order
In an interesting show of authoritarian control by a power-hungry tyrant, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says unless you wear a facemask -- as he has so heavy-handedly commanded us to do -- then "don't go into a store." Reminiscent of biblical end-times prophecy...
Watch: White Man Covers Girl to Protect Her From Violent Black Mob, Security Does Nothing
In a video making rounds on social media, a violent black mob is seen attacking a white couple for unknown reasons in an airport. While it is unclear what caused the kerfuffle, one thing is clear: there is no justification for this kind of violent mob assault. During...
Drama Queen Texas Teacher Making End-of-Life Plans Because They’re Making Her Go Back to School
The hysteria surrounding the coronavirus pandemic is like nothing this world has seen in modern times. The media-hyped fear and anxiety tops anything from the previous World Wars to the Spanish Flu. The chicken-livered pantywaists waving their white flag to this virus...
Joe Biden Drops N-Word on Live Television While a Senator
In a recently surfaced video, Joe Biden can be heard dropping the N-word not once, but twice, on C-SPAN during a congressional hearing back when Biden was a senator. While he was quoting from something else during the hearing, the nonchalant manner in which the word...
California Pastor Vows Civil Disobedience to Governor’s Indefinite Worship Ban
Yesterday, the far left California governor, Gavin Newsome, ordered an indefinite ban on worship services in the name of "safety" amid the coronavirus pandemic. As many churches are following in lockstep with the not only unconstitutional bans on religious freedom,...
Peaceful Protestors Peacefully Beat Three NYPD Officers as Mayor Moves to Defund Police
That the left has gone completely insane is nothing new. That happened a long, long time ago. Long before I was around. But that they have become so vocally outspoken in their complete stupidity is a relatively new phenomenon bolstered by the complicity of irrational...
Andy Stanley’s Church Closing is a Blessing From God to His People, We Should Thank Him!
In fact, for theologically sound Christians, it’s not even a disguise. We should praise and thank God that he is separating the sheep from the goats and shuttering the doors of the luke-warm churches.
NC Governor Says Schools Will Reopen, But Everyone Will Wear Facemasks
North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper says that NC Schools can reopen in the fall, however, "face coverings will be required for everybody in the school building." After recent backlash from parents who can't work because their kids can't go to school, Cooper finally...
ANTIFA Terrorists Bust Trump Supporter’s Head Open With a Baton at Patriotic Rally
According to reporters close to the scene, ANTIFA and other far-left radicals attempted to stop a patriotic rally in Olympia, WA over the weekend that resulted in a man's head being busted open. Watch with caution....
Watch: Group of Black Thugs Drop-Kick Little Girl in the Head as They Bludgeon Her Mother
As leftist politicians continue to free violent criminals from prison amid the coronavirus pandemic, violence in black neighborhoods has been on the rise in recent weeks. In a recent video posted on social media, you can see a neighborhood mob-style beat down on a...
As Trump Rallies Condemned, Media Silent on Huge, Maskless Street Parties in Philadelphia
As coronavirus cases make a sudden spike in the wake of George Floyd riots and protests -- which have been largely hailed as a good thing by the leftist media -- Americans around the country are now paying the price with delayed reopenings, unconstitutional facemask...
Watch: ANTIFA Harass and Assault “Non-Approved” Media and Cameramen in Portland “Gathering”
Much like the scene in Seattle in recent weeks, a group of anarchists -- most likely the same ones who were booted from Seattle's "CHAZ/CHOP" zone two weeks ago -- have now installed the same kind of anti-government "autonomous" area in Portland. As chaos ensues,...
Amid Abortion, Black Pastor Says “We’ve Lost the Right to Be Outraged” Over KKK Lynchings
There is no humanitarian crisis in the world more horrific than the abortion holocaust taking place in America today. America -- particularly African Americans -- ranks among the highest in the world for abortions per capita and the effects are devastating on...