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Fauci Stunned by Question About Limiting Protesting, Says He Can’t Determine What Government Can Do

by | Jul 31, 2020 | News, Opinion, Politics, Video | 0 comments

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has essentially led the entire planet into a near-total lockdown with his constant professional opining on subjects from handshaking to church gatherings, was recently asked by Representative Jim Jordan if the mass protests in the cities around the country are possibly contributing to the spread of the coronavirus. After beating around the bush, he reluctantly responded that it is likely at least possible.

Then asked if the government should “limit the protesting,” Fauci — who has suggested limitations on practically everything else in society — reacted defensively, stunned at the question, and responded that “I’m not in a position to determine what the government can do in a forceful way.”

Lol, except he has on everything — except, if you want to hook up with random people online and have sex with them, then that’s fine. Schools, bars, restaurants, salons, businesses…and of course, churches, well, they’re all subject to Dr. Fauci’s opinion that they should be limited. But not protesting. He’s not in a position to determine that.

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