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Andy Stanley Says White Men Fear Black Men

Andy Stanley Says White Men Fear Black Men

Speak for yourself, Andy. In a "woke sermon" dug up by Woke Preacher Clips, Andy Stanley says white men are afraid of black men. Taking a spin off of Ben Shapiro's "facts don't care about your feelings" cliche, Stanley repeats a similar mantra: "Facts aren't fair, but...

Woke Preacher Reads New Woke “Translation” of the Magnificat

Woke Preacher Reads New Woke “Translation” of the Magnificat

The Magnificat, also known as the Song of Mary which is found in Luke 1:46-55 and is prominently repeated in liturgical traditions such as the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches, has apparently been translated into a more contemporary...

Denver Public Schools Promote Racially Segregated Playground Time

Denver Public Schools Promote Racially Segregated Playground Time

No, this is not a joke. An actual elementary school in the Denver Public School system is promoting racially segregated playground time. No Whites Allowed. The advertisement for the "families of color playground night" was posted on the sign in front of Centennial...

Russell Moore Hates Christians, Hates the Church, and Hates God

Russell Moore Hates Christians, Hates the Church, and Hates God

I've written a lot about Russell Moore over the years. At this time of this writing, there are over 240 articles at Reformation Charlotte that reference Russell Moore and that doesn't count the hundreds of articles I've written at other publications prior to...