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Christian Rapper, Lecrae, Says He Served Himself Communion at Home With Wheat Bread and Apple Juice

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology | 0 comments

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Lecrae, who described himself not as a Christian rapper, but a “rapper who happens to be Christian,” has devolved into a spiteful, church-hating fraud from one who at one time, at least, seemed to be a solid, Reformed proclaimer of the faith.

Over the last few years, Lecrae has joined the ranks of the secular, foul-mouthed rap movement, and rather than being “set apart” from the world, like the Scriptures call us to do, he has fully immersed himself in the culture. Lecrae’s apostasy began when he became engulfed in the “woke” movement; he, like most people who have been given over to this movement, has traded the gospel for social justice even endorsing one of the most racist, pro-abortion political candidates ever, Stacy Abrams.

Lecrae has been griping about the Church for several years now, even admitting that he doesn’t identify with Christians. Now, in one of his latest rips against the Church, he announces that he served himself communion at home and wondered if it “still counts.”

Of course, it doesn’t count–communion is to be served among the gathered saints administered by God’s ministers, aka qualified pastors, for the purpose of communally and corporately remembering Christ and proclaiming him to others. It is a church ordinance, just like baptism, to be done in the presence of the corporate body.

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As one Twitter user responded, it’s like calling a bath a baptism.

Just another example of how once you trade the gospel for social justice, anything goes and you can find any excuse to abandon the people of God for your own delusions.

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