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Al Mohler “Repents” of Biblical Position on Slavery

Al Mohler “Repents” of Biblical Position on Slavery

In an interview with Larry King on CNN in 1998, Al Mohler was asked about slavery and the Bible where he rightfully answered that that while the Bible does not endorse slavery, it does require slaves to obey their masters. When asked if that rule applied to runaway...

Maryland Public School District Approves “LGBTQ+ Studies” Course

Maryland Public School District Approves “LGBTQ+ Studies” Course

Montgomery County School District in Maryland just approved a new course for high school juniors and seniors to indoctrinate them in LGBTQ+ ideology while promoting the history of sexually aberrant people. According to WTOP, "Montgomery County’s LGBTQ studies course...

Recent Coronavirus Outbreak in South Korea Linked to Gay Night Clubs

Recent Coronavirus Outbreak in South Korea Linked to Gay Night Clubs

With a propensity toward obsessive physical contact, a blatant disregard for personal space, and multiple unprotected sex partners, it's no wonder that the gay night club scene is a ripe environment for the spread of any disease, including the novel coronavirus. While...

A Biblical, Non-Woke Analysis of the Ahmaud Arbery Case

A Biblical, Non-Woke Analysis of the Ahmaud Arbery Case

While pastors, church leaders, and Democrats are joining the chorus of the anti-white narrative that seeks to tear down our society and cause division at every possible corner amid the tragic shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, a black man, by two white men, literally none of...

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks Now Healthy and Safely at Home

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks Now Healthy and Safely at Home

A hospital’s youngest premature baby who was born more than four months early has been allowed to go home. Lilly Rae was born on 9 December at just 22 weeks and two days gestation at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. But despite weighing in at just over 1lb...

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