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Retired Vanderbilt Law Prof. Asks God to Reveal Hidden Agendas of WHO, CDC, Gates, and China

by | May 11, 2020 | News, Politics, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Carol M. Swain was a controversial law and political science professor at Vanderbilt University who staunchly believes in conservative values and professes Christ. Swain announced her retirement on her website in 2017 stating that “Retirement for me will not mean a rocking chair, and that it “will be an opportunity for me to impact more people across the globe.”

Swain also stated that she was confident that God would place her where she would have the “greatest impact.”

Today, Swain is a member of the Black Voices for Trump board of directors and is an outspoken apologist for conservative values and truth. As a supporter for Donald Trump, Swain is asking people to join her exposing the agendas of leftist and globalist organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Diseased Control (CDC), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — among others.

These organizations have been under scrutiny from the Trump administration and conservatives as they seek to advance a globalist agenda by sieging the coronavirus pandemic to push through vaccines and lockdown efforts worldwide at the behest of non-medically trained professionals such as Bill Gates.

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Others, including conservative political activist Candace Owens, have been critical of Gates “experimenting with” unapproved vaccines on Africans and other tribal children.

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