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Decolonization & NPR: An Attempt to Dismiss Orthodoxy

Decolonization & NPR: An Attempt to Dismiss Orthodoxy

Recall back in the month of June, NPR Journalist Juan Vidal has touted in his article Your Bookshelf May Be the Problem that white people who read white authors are perhaps “listening to an extension of [their] own voice on repeat” and perhaps would do much better if...

Pope Endorses Same-Sex Unions in New Documentary Film

Pope Endorses Same-Sex Unions in New Documentary Film

Reformation Charlotte has been warning about the pope and the Roman Catholic Church for years. Besides the fact that the Church of Rome is a counterfeit representation of the Bride of Christ with its false gospel doing all their deeds to be seen by others, making...

Finger Lickin’ Left Leaning Chik-Fil-A

Finger Lickin’ Left Leaning Chik-Fil-A

Up to the point where I began college days at Bob Jones University, Chik-fil-a was a name scarcely anyone has even ever even heard of. For residents of my home state of Connecticut, practically nobody would even think of this restaurant because such was not a...

Wikipedia Bans Christians From Contributing to the Website

Wikipedia Bans Christians From Contributing to the Website

Wikipedia, for years, has been a largely neutral, open platform that was community-supported by editors and contributors who held a wide-ranging variety of viewpoints but collaborated to produce articles that were substantiated and rooted in verifiable facts devoid of...

Donald Trump Pushes Back on NBC Host’s Loaded Questions on QAnon

Donald Trump Pushes Back on NBC Host’s Loaded Questions on QAnon

If you're unfamiliar with QAnon, you've probably been asleep for the last four years. The QAnon movement is a loosely-connected group of people who believe that the government is run by radical deep-state elitists and that Donald Trump is fully aware of this and has...

Dutch Government to Allow Abortion of Children Under 12-Years-OId

Dutch Government to Allow Abortion of Children Under 12-Years-OId

Doctors will be able to euthanise children between the ages of one and 12 in the Netherlands under the country’s ever-expanding assisted suicide regime. Deputy Prime Minister Hugo de Jonge, who also serves as the Health Minister, wrote to Dutch politicians this...

Left-wing “Evangelicals for Biden” Have Lost Their Moral Compass!

Left-wing “Evangelicals for Biden” Have Lost Their Moral Compass!

Evangelical Christians voting for Biden is as strange as a five-hundred-pound girl doing a backflip or an orangutan doing a tap dance. But then Evangelicals have been leaning left for decades since they made their break with biblical reliability. And a rule of life...

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