Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), increasingly one of the most liberal seminaries in the Evangelical Church, recently hired a liberal English professor — who supports ministries that promote woman-to-woman and man-to-man intimate relationships — from Liberty University. Karen Swallow Prior, who served many years on the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as a research fellow, has been outspoken in her support of “gay Christianity” over the years.
Prior makes no qualms about her unbiblical positions as many have been warning about her for years. It wasn’t until recently, however, that Swallow Prior has completely unveiled herself as a totally “woke” leftist without a conservative bone in her body and people are finally starting to notice.
Recently, Donald Trump’s lawyer, who also represented John MacArthur’s church in a battle against Los Angeles over religious freedom, called out Swallow Prior for defending far-left radical Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. While conservative Malachi O’Brien tweeted favorably that Kamala Harris had been “canceled” because of a lack of support in Texas, Swallow Prior jumped in to defend Harris.

Swallow Prior’s defense when Trump’s and MacArthur’s attorney, Jenna Ellis jumped in:
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Here is where Ellis’ response was gold.

Karen Swallow Prior is a liberal activist and sadly, she represents a large majority of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Evangelical Church. Increasingly, the divide between the liberals and the conservatives is growing, and thankfully so. Christians cannot in any way support the Democrat party — to do so is to support the things that God hates.