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JD Greear Says Christians are Cursed Since They Don’t Fight for “Gender Justice”

by | Oct 29, 2020 | Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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JD Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention — who denounced Southern Baptists as racists and white supremacists, called on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights, and has a pro-choice woman leading bible studies at his church and also says that people who are followers of Jesus will think about the “rights of immigrants” while at the ballot box — has denounced the Church as “cursed” like Meroz for not fighting for “racial justice” and “gender justice.”

Greear, recently complained in a sermon that Christians today, like Christians during the time of American slavery, have a “malaise” about matters of justice because, he says, it doesn’t “directly affect them.”

“Whether we’re talking about racial justice or gender justice or what have you,” he says, “tragically…there’s often been a malaise in the church…because the injustice did not directly affect those of us sitting in places of privilege. Like Meroz, it didn’t affect our tribe.”

Of course, he doesn’t exactly explain what “gender justice” is, however, the website, Gender Justice U.S. defines it as “a world where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation.” And since Greear has called on Christians to stand up for gay rights and says that using “preferred pronouns” for transgender people is “pronoun hospitality” and that he believes he should do it, one can draw their own conclusion as to what Greear means by the term.

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Greear argued that Christians are “cursed,” like Meroz, for sitting back and “doing nothing” while oppressed people are bearing the burdens of the privileged.

Besides the obvious fact that this is just stupid, it is biblically ignorant and does not represent what the Scriptures actually teach about justice. This is a Reconstructionist revision of the theology of justice and deserves nothing less than outright rejection by all Christians.

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