In a bizarre modern trend, Evangelicals have taken a peculiar fascination with pop idols, Taylor Swift being the most recent glaring example. Whether it be Christianity Today's assertion that Taylor Swift "brings Christians together," churches finding pop stars like...
LGBTQ Issues
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Gallup Poll Shows America Becoming More Like Sodom and Gomorrah Every Day
In an era where the identity politics playbook is seemingly rewritten daily, the latest Gallup poll's findings—that 7.6% of U.S. adults now identify as LGBTQ+—is less a statistic and more a cultural bellwether. It's like a canary in the coal mine for traditional...
Jen Hatmaker Says Viewing Jesus as a Male Makes it Difficult for Black, Brown, and LGBT People to Feel Safe Around Him
Jen Hatmaker, who first publicly renounced Christianity in an interview with Jonathan Merritt — a gay activist and son of former Southern Baptist Convention president, James Merritt — and says she first questioned Evangelical Christianity because gay people couldn’t...
More Openly Gay, Practicing Homosexuals Discovered as Members in Good Standing at First Baptist Orlando
Last week, my friend Justin Peters joined Casey Butner to break the news that First Baptist Church in Orlando, FL, a Southern Baptist Convention church that is pastored by David Uth and co-pastored by former NAMB executive, Danny DeArmas, had baptized at least one...
SBC Pastor Says LGBTQ Organizations Are Leading the Industry in Sex Abuse, Performing Mercy, Helping
The most egregious form of sex abuse that exists in this fallen world is the LGBTQ movement. This movement, according to Romans 1, is not only one of the most heinous sins a society can fall into, but it is, in fact, the judgment for sin itself. Romans 1 makes it...
Webster’s Dictionary Re-defines “Female” to Include Men
In an era of subjectivism and confusion unlike any time in recorded history, one thing we've always been able to rely on is the objectivity of language. Historically, language has bound people groups together as they are able to communicate effectively and understand...
SBC Pastor-backed Health Secretary Says We Need to Empower Children to Have Access to Gender Surgery, Puberty Blockers
In January of 2021, prominent and outspoken Southern Baptist Pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile expressed his support for the "transgender" U.S. assistant health secretary, Rachel Levine, insisting that this person was qualified to lead as one of the nation's chief doctors...
CDC Directs Underage Children as Young as 13 to Online LGBTQ Chat Forum Run by Planned Parenthood
Last year, we reported that the government-funded "health" organization, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had been paying underage children hundreds of dollars to report their homosexual activity on an app called "MyPeeps." It is no longer deniable that the...
Smoking Gun: FBC Orlando’s Danny DeArmas Baptized Openly Gay, “Married” Man-to-Man Homosexual
The Dissenter recently reported on First Baptist Church Orlando’s capitulation to gay ideology. It began when the associate pastor and former chair of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) took the stage to boast and brag how the Southern Baptist church...
Beth Moore Praises Pro-Abortion Pro-Homosexual Activist for Receiving “Public Understanding of Religion” Award
Beth Moore is one of Evangelicalism's foremost progressive activists who has used her platform to advance some of the most godless ideologies into the Church which are contrary to the doctrines taught in Scripture. Today, Moore exposed herself once again after...
Kentucky Catholic Church Holds “Service of Atonement and Apology to LGBTQ People”
“Sexual immorality is the evidence that a society is under the divine judgment of God for that sin.” —John MacArthur In the last couple of decades, we have witnessed something that is foreign to the historic Christian Church. We have seen more and more of the...
Leaked Scene From Disney’s Upcoming Kid’s Show, Baymax, Depicts “Transgender Man” Recommending Tampons
Disney is on an epic crusade to transform the entire world into Sodom and Gomorrah as it continues to promote aberrant sexual lifestyles and feed it to children as young as toddlers. In a leaked video of Disney's upcoming children's show, Baymax, a character with a...
Boy Scouts March in Seattle Gay Pride Parade
In 2020, following the Boy Scouts of America's capitulation to the LGBTQ mafia, the organization filed for bankruptcy. However, the group, which has now departed from the objective moral standards derived from a biblical, Christian worldview and embraced a secular...
Newly-Elected Southern Baptist President Says Serial Homosexual Practice Won’t Send You to Hell
In the words of James Merritt, "there is no leftward drift. None." Obviously, that statement is absurd. The Southern Baptist Convention has now elected the third president in a row who has downplayed the sin of homosexuality....
Columbus Ohio Police Unveil “Pride Cruiser” for Gay Pride Month
What better way to spend your tax dollars than on a sodomite version of the law enforcement agency's cruisers? Yep, that's what's going on—Columbus Ohio is spending your money to celebrate sexual immorality month. Watch as this "officer" unveils the new cruiser to...
Anti-Social Justice Pastor, Tom Buck: “No Doubt in My Mind” There Will be a Split in the Southern Baptist Convention
The call for division in the Church is sometimes biblically necessary as the Bible calls for unity among the brethren, to be of one mind and of one accord. The Bible calls us to be united around the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ — which is the most important...
Homosexual “Pastor” Raps a Lecrae Song as Men Standing Around Him Engage in Risque and Sexual Dancing
Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as he is an openly gay, self-described “pastor” who opposed traditional, biblical theology while installing himself as a biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson is an advocate...
Watch How This Church Stayed Faithful During Pride Month…Actually, No, Wait…
Silver Spire United Church in St. Catharines, Ontario, hosted a Drag Queen Story Time for "Pride Month and Pentecost" celebrations during Sunday worship on June 5th, 2022. In a recent spate of pulpit perversion, churches have been inviting drag queens to come in to...
New Southern Baptist President Joins Former President in Celebrating Pride at Disneyland After SBC Annual Meeting
After a torturous week of downgrade at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting, the new president, Bart Barber joins former Southern Baptist president, Steve Gaines for a luxurious stroll in Sodom and Gomorrah—also known as Anaheim, California's Disneyland....
In a Surprising Move, Left-Drifting Reformed Denomination Codifies Homosexuality as Sin in Revised Confession
The Dissenter has documented the leftward drift of the popular Reformed Calvin University over the years. Calvin University (formerly Calvin College) is home to a number of student organizations, one of which is Sexuality and Gender Awareness (SAGA). Calvin University...
Meet the New Southern Baptist Convention President, Bart Barber
If you've been paying attention, you're aware by now that this week's Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting resulted in a blow to conservatives in a roughly 60-40 vote for the presidential office for Bart Barber against his conservative opponent, Tom Ascol. As...
New Jersey Catholic Church to Hold “Pride Mass” in Support of LGBTQ “Brothers and Sisters”
"Sexual immorality is the evidence that a society is under the divine judgment of God for that sin." —John MacArthur In the last couple of decades, we have witnessed something that is foreign to the historic Christian Church. We have seen more and more of the...