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SBC Pastor-backed Health Secretary Says We Need to Empower Children to Have Access to Gender Surgery, Puberty Blockers

by | Jul 18, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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In January of 2021, prominent and outspoken Southern Baptist Pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile expressed his support for the “transgender” U.S. assistant health secretary, Rachel Levine, insisting that this person was qualified to lead as one of the nation’s chief doctors because, well, Trump baaaaaaad.

Now, this person has demonstrated his own gross incompetence time after time after advancing and promoting sexual ideologies that are not only contrary to a biblical sexual ethic, but against nature. Biden’s assistant secretary is now promoting the “empowerment” of children to receive “gender affirmation” health care which includes such things as gender reassignment surgery and puberty blockers.

I’d like to know if Thabiti believes the trade-off was a good one or not.

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