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Should We Even Try to Bridge Political Divides Within Our Churches?

Should We Even Try to Bridge Political Divides Within Our Churches?

In an age where the church grapples with political divides, a new curriculum titled "The After Party" emerges, aiming to bridge gaps within Christian communities. Developed by Curtis Chang, founder of Redeeming Babel, along with David French, a New York Times...

Baby Born at 22 Weeks Defies the Odds to Survive

Baby Born at 22 Weeks Defies the Odds to Survive

A premature baby girl born at 22 weeks and two days, weighing just 1lb 2oz (510g), is among the youngest surviving premature babies in the world. Lura Lauer gave birth to twins, Lyric Elaine and Cali Rose, after going into premature labour on 15 July, four months...

France Legislature Overwhelmingly Approves Abortion Up Until Birth

France Legislature Overwhelmingly Approves Abortion Up Until Birth

France’s National Assembly has voted in favour of an extreme Bill that could introduce abortion on demand, right up to the point of birth, to the country. Legislators approved the Bioéthique Bill by 60 votes to 37. Just hours before the vote, a radical...

At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service

At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service

Two women have died after taking ‘DIY’ home abortion pills according to a leaked “urgent email” sent by a senior chief midwife at NHS England and NHS Improvement on the “escalating risks” of the ‘pills in the post’ service that is being run by UK abortion...

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