From the National Catholic Register (not a blanket endorsement of this website): Six pro-life activists are on trial in Nashville, Tennessee, facing federal charges related to a 2021 blockade of a nearby abortion facility. The blockade, documented in a March 5, 2021,...
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Should We Even Try to Bridge Political Divides Within Our Churches?
In an age where the church grapples with political divides, a new curriculum titled "The After Party" emerges, aiming to bridge gaps within Christian communities. Developed by Curtis Chang, founder of Redeeming Babel, along with David French, a New York Times...
Tim Keller Says Christians Have Freedom to Vote For Pro-Abortion, Pro-Sodomy Democrats
Tim Keller is the founder and former head of the social justice website known as The Gospel Coalition which provides insights on how to turn the gospel into a mandate for social action. As one of the primary mouthpieces in the progressive social justice agenda, Keller...
Seattle Church Being Forced by State to Cover Elective Abortions in Health Plan, Files Suit
A Seattle area church is filing a suit against the State of Washington over a mandate forcing churches to violate their pro-life religious beliefs in order to cover elective abortions in their health insurance plans. The lawsuit, filed by Cedar Park Assembly of God,...
Abortion Numbers Highest Ever, Following Introduction of ‘DIY’ Abortion Scheme
Abortion numbers highest ever, following introduction of ‘DIY’ abortion scheme 10 September 2020 – Abortion statistics released by the Department of Health and Social Care this morning show that 109,836 abortions were performed for English and Welsh residents in...
World Health Organization Pushes Abortions as COVID-19 Response Plan in Ecuador
The World Health Organization (WHO), the UN group in charge of advising countries on the COVID-19 pandemic, has provided a crisis response plan for Ecaudor that prioritises providing abortion in the country. The United Nation’s $46 million...
Survey Finds Abortion Opposition Increasing Significantly Around the World
A growing number of people around the world are opposed to abortion, according to a new survey conducted by Ipsos MORI. The poll, which questioned 17,500 people from 25 countries, found only 44% of those surveyed believe“abortion should be permitted whenever...
Escape Chinese Doctor Reveals Full-term Abortions, Infanticide “Common Practice” in China
A doctor who escaped the regime in China has revealed how she participated in at least 500-600 operations on Uighur women in the country, including forced abortion, forced sterilisation and forced removal of wombs. Speaking to ITV News, the Uighur woman...
Female Athletes are Having Abortions for Their Sporting Careers, Survey Shows
A survey of elite sportswomen in the UK has found that 4% of respondents had an abortion because they felt a baby would impact their sporting career. In 2017, Sanya Richards-Ross, a former American Olympic champion, claimed that “every female...
Northern Ireland’s Children’s Commissioner Calls for Abortion to Be Compulsory School Curriculum
Northern Ireland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People has called for abortion to be promoted to adolescents in Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) lessons, it has emerged. Koulla Yiasouma has told the Northern Ireland Office that “access to...
Ceramic Artist Creates Abortion Art Ceramic Food Displays, Disgusting and Horrific
For whatever reason, the cult of abortion fanatics think that feeding off of dead babies isn't a horrific thing that should be criticized and repudiated by society, but should be celebrated in, what they believe, is art. A Singaporean ceramic artist who goes by Qimmy...
Latin America Asked for Help During the Coronavirus Pandemic, the UN Gave Them Abortion
A coalition of 434 human rights organisations have backed an International Manifesto for the Right to Life in response to abortion provision sections in the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) Global Humanitarian Response Plan: COVID-19. The plan...
“Baby Lives Matter” Mural Being Treated as “Vandalism” While Black Lives Matter Graffiti is Fine
CHARLOTTE, NC -- As chaos an riots have filled the streets of American cities, graffiti and vandalism is seen everywhere. In downtown Charlotte, NC -- like every other city in America -- you will find a government-sanctioned "Black Lives Matter" mural plastered across...
9Marks Leaders Says Pro-Nazi Candidates Off Limits But Pro-Abortion Candidates are Fine
9Marks, better known as 9Marx, is an Evangelical Marxist organization founded by Southern Baptist pastor, Mark Dever and its sole purpose is to convert Evangelicals into social justice activists and, primarily, Democrat voters. 9Marks is responsible for advancing the...
Baby Born at 22 Weeks Defies the Odds to Survive
A premature baby girl born at 22 weeks and two days, weighing just 1lb 2oz (510g), is among the youngest surviving premature babies in the world. Lura Lauer gave birth to twins, Lyric Elaine and Cali Rose, after going into premature labour on 15 July, four months...
Nebraska Bans “Dismemberment Abortion,” Allows Killing of “Unborn Children” via “Suction”
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts signed a bill on August 15, LB 814, which bans what is termed "dismemberment abortion." According to the legislation that was introduced by State Senator Suzanne Geist back in January, "dismemberment abortion" is described as "an...
France Legislature Overwhelmingly Approves Abortion Up Until Birth
France’s National Assembly has voted in favour of an extreme Bill that could introduce abortion on demand, right up to the point of birth, to the country. Legislators approved the Bioéthique Bill by 60 votes to 37. Just hours before the vote, a radical...
Abortion Service Offers Illegal Abortion to Woman Who Didn’t Want to “Look Pregnant” at Beach
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service has posted ‘DIY’ home abortion pills to a woman who said she wanted to terminate her pregnancy because she didn’t “want to worry about looking pregnant on the beach.” Video footage of the incident has been released by the...
You Can’t Go to Church, But Pro-Abortion Democrats Can Crowd a Church For Leftist Politician Funeral
Democrat politicians around the country have been adamant about limiting the citizens' rights to freely assemble for worship. They say it's for the "common good" of the people. Churches have been the primary targets of the leftists draconian measures despite the fact...
At Least Two Women Have Died From “Do-It-Yourself” Abortion Service
Two women have died after taking ‘DIY’ home abortion pills according to a leaked “urgent email” sent by a senior chief midwife at NHS England and NHS Improvement on the “escalating risks” of the ‘pills in the post’ service that is being run by UK abortion...
Amid Abortion, Black Pastor Says “We’ve Lost the Right to Be Outraged” Over KKK Lynchings
There is no humanitarian crisis in the world more horrific than the abortion holocaust taking place in America today. America -- particularly African Americans -- ranks among the highest in the world for abortions per capita and the effects are devastating on...
Doctor Who Euthanized Woman Against Her Will Cleared of Murder Charges, Says She Did “Right Thing”
A doctor cleared of murder for euthanising a vulnerable woman with dementia has waived her anonymity to declare she did the “right thing”, even though her patient said “no” three times. In an interview with Dutch current affairs programme...