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Ceramic Artist Creates Abortion Art Ceramic Food Displays, Disgusting and Horrific

by | Aug 28, 2020 | Abortion, News, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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For whatever reason, the cult of abortion fanatics think that feeding off of dead babies isn’t a horrific thing that should be criticized and repudiated by society, but should be celebrated in, what they believe, is art.

A Singaporean ceramic artist who goes by Qimmy Shimmy has created a ceramic set of art that looks like dead, aborted fetuses packed tightly in sardine cans, molded into won-ton noodles, or deviled like eggs and placed onto a plate for display.

Whatever demonic propensity within her that encourages her to do this should cause the real world to tremble. This is a horrific display of human depravity. People like this are so far depraved that it is incomprehensible for even most unbelievers in Christ to fathom such wickedness.

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