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“Baby Lives Matter” Mural Being Treated as “Vandalism” While Black Lives Matter Graffiti is Fine

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Abortion, News, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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CHARLOTTE, NC — As chaos an riots have filled the streets of American cities, graffiti and vandalism is seen everywhere. In downtown Charlotte, NC — like every other city in America — you will find a government-sanctioned “Black Lives Matter” mural plastered across the street and, in many cases, the street closed off to traffic to protect it.

However, a “Baby Lives Matter” mural painted in the same way on a street in front of an abortion clinic is being referred to as “vandalism” by the media and the Charlotte police are investigating. According to WBTV, this in front of the Planned Parenthood on South Torrence St and was observed by their Sky 3 chopper.

In the meantime, the government is turning a blind eye to the massive amounts of actual graffiti and vandalism that has shut down businesses and forced people out of certain areas of the city as riots and chaos continues.

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