In this age of moral relativism, where every wind of doctrine is blowing and the foundations of biblical truth are being vigorously attacked, the Church of God cannot afford to shrink back. The Word of God, unadulterated and absolute, stands as our guide and the voice...
The Church
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Major SBC Church Says Credentials Committee Found Them to be in Good Standing Despite Admitting Being “Out of Line” With Women Pastors
If you've been following the women pastor scandal in the Southern Baptist Convention, you might be aware by now that thousands of Southern Baptist churches have been found to be in violation of the denomination's confession, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000,...
The Democrat Jesus
I hear a lot of tripe today from leftists who complain that conservatives believe in a "Republican Jesus" or something absurdly insane like that. The argument is that the "Republican Jesus" is xenophobic, sexist, racist, and homophobic—or some combination of these...
Max Lucado Affirms Mormon, Glenn Beck, as a Believer Whom The Holy Spirit Intercedes For With Prayer
Over the years, we’ve written a number of articles on the increasingly affirming and ecumenical Max Lucado. Previously, we described Lucado as “fairly orthodox though not without problems,” however, in his neverending slide toward total apostasy, Lucado continues to...
Southern Baptist Megachurch Youth Pastor Hands Out Stickers that Read “I Love Hot Youth Pastors”
The entire megachurch culture is foreign to what the Scriptures teach about the autonomy of the local church, the function of the church, and the church's responsibility to train, equip, and edify believers while leading the congregation in reverent worship of the...
Reminder for Anyone Who Needs to Hear This: Joel and Victoria Osteen Are Going to Hell
Joel Osteen, a false teacher and fake pastor, is most definitely a cult leader. The followers of Joel Osteen’s ministry do not follow Christ, they follow the man and they are in it for no other reason than to hear the man tickle their ears with his motivational pep...
Kanye West Expresses Stronger Position Against Abortion Than Most Evangelical and Southern Baptist Pastors
Disclaimer: This should not be construed as a blanket endorsement of Kanye West nor does this represent that we are unquestioningly affirmative of his conversion to Christianity as genuine. There is much that we've pointed out in Kanye's newfound "walk with Christ"...
SBC President Bart Barber Joins Homosexual on Leftist Propaganda Outlet to Bash Conservative Southern Baptists
The 2022 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Annual Meeting resulted in a blow to conservatives in a roughly 60-40 vote for the presidential office for Bart Barber against his conservative opponent, Tom Ascol. As we’ve been documenting, the Southern Baptist...
Traveling Televangelist, Stacey Abrams, Compares Herself to Jesus as the “Solid Foundation” Upon Which to Build the State
Stacey Abrams, who should now be labeled Georgia's traveling televangelist to underprivileged churches around the state, definitely thinks highly of herself. The left constantly accuses conservatives of embracing what they’re calling “White Christian Nationalism.”...
TGC’s Duke Kwon Has it Backward, the Reprobate are Repulsed by Christ, not “Hypocrisy”
Duke Kwon is a TGC author and is the lead pastor of the uber-woke Grace Meridian Hill, a PCA congregation in the GraceDC Network in Washington, D.C. He is a contributing author of Heal Us, Emmanuel: A Call for Racial Reconciliation, Representation,...
Popular Evangelical Leaders Continue to Merge With Pro-LGBTQ Activists in the Name of Social Justice
This week, the National Association of Evangelicals held a conference called Flourish which touts itself as "a space to have hard conversations on the toughest issues facing the Church today," according to its website. "At Flourish, they will be equipped to foster...
The Total Collapse of Society as it Moves Further From God
In Christian apologetics, we have a term that we use to describe how we ground our knowledge and reasoning in objective truth. That term is epistemology. Simply stated, epistemology is the study of how beliefs are justified. I don't intend to take a deep nosedive into...
Homosexual “Churches” Protest Outside of Franklin Graham Event in Rochester
A gaggle of homosexual-affirming "churches" took to the streets to protest outside of Franklin Graham's "God Loves You" event in Rochester, NY on Sunday. According to reports, hundreds of people stood in Soldiers Field Park as Graham preached a watered-down "Jesus...
Russell Moore Joins Keynote Speakers, Homosexual Pete Buttigieg and Hillary Clinton, For Texas Political Festival
Since Russell Moore departed the Southern Baptist Convention earlier this year, he has been on an inevitable slide toward complete and total apostasy. While some of us have been sounding the alarm against Moore since he took office at the Southern Baptist Convention's...
Pastor Preaches That Men, Who Are Heads of Households, Must Vote For Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock
It's not okay for conservatives to do this, but it's perfectly fine if leftist "churches" endorse candidates and instruct their congregation to vote for them specifically from the pulpit because, well, social justice and stuff. As moderate leftist leg-crossing...
As Election Cycle Nears, The Gospel Coalition Runs Cover For Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Democrats
The Gospel Coalition continues to set itself up as the authority on civil political engagement within the Church. Every election cycle as we approach election day, The Gospel Coalition begins its "nuanced" approach to politics and tries to make the case that...
Jemar Tisby and Sam Heath Argue That There Should Be No Criminal Punishment, Even For Murderers and Rapists
Jemar Tisby is one of the leading agitators of the modern racial division in Evangelical churches in America. He regularly incites hatred and division between blacks and whites by indicting all white people with the inherent guilt of former white American slave owners...
Veggie Tales Creator, Phil Vischer, Comes Out as Pro-Choice on Abortion
Phil Vischer, who is best known for creating the Christian-themed-but-filled-with-bad-doctrine children’s cartoon series, Veggie Tales, has made a new name for himself among the rising Evangelical Beast of Revelation known as the Woke Church. Vischer, who wonders if...
Hymns of Hate from Black Leaders
A few years ago, I thought a racist was a person—black, white, or polka dot—who disliked someone of another race because they were of another race. Of course, that’s hardly their fault. However, from the major media, it seems I have been wrong all along. It seems...
Charismatic False Prophetess Says God Told Her Women Were Going to Lead the Next Revival in the Church
Shawn Bolz is the founder and former senior pastor of Expression58 Church and is now the CEO of Bolz Ministries. Bolz is closely tied to Bethel Church in Redding California, a hyper-charismatic, New Apostolic Reformation church that is known for its music and its...
Wake Up! Christians Should Be Standing Outside “Gender Clinics” the Same Way They Do “Abortion Clinics”
The world has gone completely insane and the vast majority of the Christian Church has silently stood by as we watch it happen. The transgender movement is so far outside the bounds of reality that it's almost impossible to even speak to. But we must. As the left...
Abortion and Its Eternal Consequences
I have written before about abortion as a modern revival of Molech worship, and of its promotion by apostate clergy, but now I want to speak of its eternal consequences, both by the women who have an abortion and for those, clergy or...