Over the years, we’ve written a number of articles on the increasingly affirming and ecumenical Max Lucado. Previously, we described Lucado as “fairly orthodox though not without problems,” however, in his neverending slide toward total apostasy, Lucado continues to surprise us at just how unorthodox he actually is.
In previous years, Max Lucado, pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, TX, has always been thought of as a fairly orthodox teacher with a few issues, including a watered-down view of sin and the gospel. Lucado has always been soft on these issues, but in the last few years, he has taken a sharp turn to the left and is embracing a form of spirituality that attempts to bridge the gap between biblical Christianity and progressivism.
Lucado’s drift began several years ago as he began shifting his views on homosexuality. In 2020, he gave a glowing endorsement of the pro-gay, far-left feminist and professing Christian, Jen Hatmaker. Hatmaker has made campaigning for the normalization of sexual immorality her primary mission in life and has a massive following of lost people who endorse her. To make matters worse, she also partners with pro-abortion political groups to advocate for “women’s rights” — read, abortion rights. Bottom line; Jen Hatmaker is nothing more than a voice for Satan himself disguised as an angel of light.
Yet, Lucado joined her in a podcast and sanger her praises, stating “I think so highly of you. You energize me,” and “You bring me in touch with a circle of believers that I might not typically have contact with, you know?”
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So Lucado’s affinity toward affirming unbelievers as believers shouldn’t be of any surprise, but it should give us all pause, particularly when it comes to deciding whether or not to see Lucado as a bible teacher worth following or exposing our sheep to.
In his latest attempt to baptize the unholy and call it Christian, Lucado joins Mormon, Glenn Beck, to discuss the Holy Spirit. It should be noted that Mormons and Christians worship two completely different deities and, therefore, what Mormons mean when they refer to the Holy Spirit is not the same thing a Bible-believing Christian means when they speak of the Holy Spirit.
Here is an image that will help distinguish the difference between the biblical Godhead and the Mormon perversion of the Trinity.

In his interview with Beck, Lucado, however, affirms Glenn Beck’s relationship with God and his experience with the Holy Spirit. This is the danger of Christians joining up with non-Christian conservatives. While we can appreciate a lot of the conservative political work that Glenn Beck does, it often becomes too easy to fall into the trap of believing that these people share the same religious convictions as we do—but we do not.
Below is the interview.
In the conversation about the Holy Spirit, one of his assignments is it he takes our prayers and presents them before the tribunal of heaven. He takes our groans, our utterings.
The apostle Paul said, ‘we do not know that for which we should pray.’ And we really don’t. I mean, do we pray for healing or for heaven? Do we pray for deliverance do we pray for even death if you’re a prisoner, you know? We don’t know exactly how to weather the storms.
The power of the Holy Spirit is that he takes when Glenn or Max can’t even utter the right prayer. The Holy Spirit says ‘I take over and I take that prayer, and I take it and present it before the presence of God in heaven….’