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Charismatic False Prophetess Says God Told Her Women Were Going to Lead the Next Revival in the Church

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Apostasy, Feminism, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Shawn Bolz is the founder and former senior pastor of Expression58 Church and is now the CEO of Bolz Ministries. Bolz is closely tied to Bethel Church in Redding California, a hyper-charismatic, New Apostolic Reformation church that is known for its music and its working of false signs and wonders. According to Bolz’s bio found on Bethel’s website, he “has been a pioneer in ministry, including the prophetic movement, since he was in his teens,” and “his focus is on intimacy with God, creativity through entertainment and social justice.”

Bolz is now a traveling speaker who visits different churches around the country to “prophesy” and give people “affirmation from God.” In the video below, you can see Bolz giving what appears to be cold psychic readings much like those of the fraud John Edward.

Bolz recently featured a guest, Michelle Schaffer, who says God told her that women in the marketplace are going to be the catalyst for the next revival.

“God told me two things, I had absolute clarity on it,” Schaffer said. “Number one was that there was about to be a massive shift in the Church. That, I always say the “big C Church, the body.” So that was number one. Number two, that there was, that we were on the precipice of the largest revival that the world had ever seen and that women were going to be the catalyst for that revival and it was going to be women in the marketplace.”

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She continued stating that once women are able to “take their place in the Kingdom,” then men will also be able to take their places and said that women have “bought into the lie” that they don’t have a place in the Church.

To be clear, women are not under any religious attack in the Church. The Scriptures are clear on the different roles between men and women in both the Church and in the home. God has called men to be the shepherds of the Church and the leaders of the homes and simply because we believe this does not mean we believe that a woman’s role is any less important. In fact, the Church would cease to function altogether without the God-given gifting of godly women in the Church. But let’s be clear—it will be neither men nor women who cause any future revivals—if there is one. If revival happens, it will be a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit with the gospel of Jesus Christ alone as the catalyst. God did not tell her this and she is a liar.

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