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The Masonic Roots of the Cult of the Latter Day Saints, Mormonism

The Masonic Roots of the Cult of the Latter Day Saints, Mormonism

Many people over the years have drawn connections between the beginnings of Mormonism and the long-established exclusive fraternity of the Freemasons. Though some of these similarities over the years have been more or less appealed it is good to know the origins of...

Testimony: Finding Christ and Leaving the Masonic Lodge

Testimony: Finding Christ and Leaving the Masonic Lodge

The Masonic Lodge is a pseudo-religious cult that is clearly at odds with Biblical teachings on God, Christ, and salvation. Reformation Charlotte has issued calls for Freemasons who profess to be Christians to forsake the Masonic order and cling to what is true and...

Whiteness: Another RED Herring

Whiteness: Another RED Herring

Before I make my remarks regarding the issue of “whiteness” I want to remind you of God’s description of the human race to a person: There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God; All have turned aside, together...

Five Scriptures to Memorize About Christ’s Sacrifice

Having a lot of Bible verses memorized is extremely rewarding. The more I have successfully memorized Scripture the more fruit I have found in my prayer life, evangelism, and Bible reading. I want to give you all some of my favorite Scriptures about Christ. I...

Most Evangelical Leaders Have No Idea How the Gospel Works

Most Evangelical Leaders Have No Idea How the Gospel Works

The Evangelical-Industrial Complex has long departed the historic and Biblical Christian faith and exchanged it for a system of emperors who have nothing better to do than to build and protect their own kingdoms. This can't be better displayed than in the modern...

Francis Chan Removes Shoes, Catholic Priests Pray Over Him

Francis Chan Removes Shoes, Catholic Priests Pray Over Him

It has long been known that Francis Chan has been on the wrong path for quite some time. We previously reported on Chan's association with false teachers in the charismatic movement -- such as Benny Hinn, Todd White, and Shawn Bolz. Chan followed up with a rebuttal...

Four Reasons Your Church is Apathetic to Evangelism

Four Reasons Your Church is Apathetic to Evangelism

And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.Mark 16:15 In my last article, I wrote an open letter to open-air preachers to love the people of God. As I was writing it I realized that there are a lot of street evangelist...

Podcast: The Gay Christian Church Audit at Living Out

Podcast: The Gay Christian Church Audit at Living Out

In Partnership with Tim Keller and other gay-friendly Evangelicals, Living Out has produced a pamphlet called How Biblically Inclusive is Your Church? which outlines 10 steps or recommendations you can use to audit your church for gay inclusiveness. Reformation...

No, Leighton Flowers, God is for God

No, Leighton Flowers, God is for God

He strikes again. Dr. Leighton Flowers continues his crusade of undoing the influence reformed theology has on our churches today. Normally Dr. Flowers simply takes aim at Calvinism. Yet with this latest post, he takes a dig at  Soli Deo Gloria. You can read the...

Headed for Destruction: The Southern Baptist Convention

Headed for Destruction: The Southern Baptist Convention

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has been long heralded as one of the last standing conservative denominations in the US. Beginning in 1979, through what was known as the “conservative resurgence” (also dubbed the Fundamentalist Takeover) of the SBC, headed up by...

The Gay Christian Ministry Changing the Face of the Evangelical Church

The Gay Christian Ministry Changing the Face of the Evangelical Church

Jesus ate with homosexuals, so we should be accepting of them. That is the argument of the progressive gay militant propaganda machine that historically the Church found so absurd that it received little attention inside the ranks of orthodoxy. What the Church has...

Preaching The Word Of God Unapologetically

Preaching The Word Of God Unapologetically

Preaching in the open air can be a frightening experience. It is frightening to stand out in front of others looking like a psycho to those walking along. People look at you with all sort of disdainful looks. Girls pass by laughing. Young men screech out inappropriate...

Two Dangerous Forms of Legalism

Two Dangerous Forms of Legalism

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 If you are a serious Christian who is pursuing holiness with all your heart you have probably been called a legalist...

Kyle Howard: A Prime Example of Marxist Victimology

One of the underlying tenets of Marxism is the radical transformation of mass thinking by implementing strategies that cause confusion and undermine the current paradigm. One of these strategies is the introduction of Black Liberation Theology which was popularized by...

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