Kyle Howard is possibly the vilest, most racist person I’ve ever seen on social media. The reason he’s so bad is that he cloaks his racist propaganda in a veneer of Christianese and spreads it in the name of “gospel issues.” Dubbing himself a “racial trauma counselor” — an imaginary profession for an imaginary malady — Howard spends the vast majority of his life on social media criticizing white people for being white.
As part of the Critical Race Theory bandwagon, Howard is a friend of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and has spent time personally with Russell Moore and Beth Moore. He promotes Marxist victimology and has even claimed that he’d be afraid the be in a room alone with James White.
Howard has continuously pounded his modified form of Black Liberation Theology into the heads of his followers and has even asserted that white people have a false God while black people have the true God. Suffice it to say, Kyle Howard is woke and doesn’t care much for whiteness.
Nothing makes this more clear than his recent announcement on Twitter as he advertises his desire for a church that is deplete of white people.
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If choosing a church based primarily on the skin color of the members isn’t racist, nothing is. Imagine a white person saying “looking for a church that is predominately white.” The motives are the same — racist judgment according to appearance — but this kind of racism is considered a virtue when it’s leveled against white people.
However, God says,
Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7
Keep in mind, this evil is the root of the “racial reconciliation” movement that was bred out of Russell Moore’s ERLC — the kind of evil that makes Christians celebrate a sexually immoral, apostate womanizer as a Christian hero simply because of the color of his skin. The kind of evil that equates “whiteness” with “wickedness.” The kind of evil that doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit.