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SEBTS Suggests That White People Adopt Black Children Because They Have a “Savior Complex”

by | Apr 18, 2019 | Blog, News, The Church | 0 comments

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Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), the home of Danny Akin, is woke. Danny Akin is woke. The entire Southern Baptist Convention is woke. But SEBTS is by far the wokest of the woke. They offer a degree in wokeness.

SEBTS, through its “Kingdom Diversity” (read woke) program recently addressed interracial adoption at a conference suggesting that one of the motivations for white people adopting black children is because they have a “savior complex.”

Associate Dean of Academics Advising at SEBTS, Matthew Mullins spoke on “transracial adopting” and said that three (bad) motivations for this are “guilt, colorblindness and a having a savior complex” He called the “savior complex” insidious and saying,

The difference between saving a child and caring for it is that the savior complex always carries with it a feeling of superiority,

Of course, one must look at transracial adoption through the Marxist lens of Critical Race Theory to even come up with such an idea.

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  1. It’s stupid to assume the motives of anybody, especially when it comes to adoption.
  2. What difference does it make? Orphans need parents.

The same people who are equating “whiteness” with “wickedness” because of the social constructionism of majority culture are the very ones insisting that white people who adopt black children celebrate “blackness.” Walter Strickland, the Associate Vice President for Diversity says that “because we live in a Genesis 3 world, ethnicity creates conversations that we have to have for our children to flourish in their identity that God has given them,” and that we need to “care for the needs unique to the child’s background.”

How exactly does this promote reconciliation? Obviously, we need to continue to point out the differences in carnal cultures and instill a good dose of victimhood at a young age because, you know, our identity isn’t in Christ, it’s in our skin color.

SEBTS’ Kingdom Diversity program, the Woke Church crowd, and professional victims like Thabiti Anyabwile, Kyle Howard, and Anthony Bradley are exactly the opposite of what the black community needs. These people do not seek reconciliation, they seek division — and their ideologies continue to perpetuate it.

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