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Reformed Seminary Now Training Women in the Function of Elder

Reformed Seminary Now Training Women in the Function of Elder

Among the most notable controversies in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) currently is the role of women in ministry -- that is, besides all of it's other serious controversies such as homosexuality, social justice, etc. However, the SBC isn't the only...

Southern Baptists See 12th Year of Declining Membership

Southern Baptists See 12th Year of Declining Membership

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The nation’s largest Protestant denomination reported its twelfth year of declining membership in an annual report released Thursday. The Southern Baptist Convention said it had 14.8 million members in 2018, down about 192,000 from the previous...

JD Greear Says It’s Okay to Vote For Abortion-Promoting Politicians

JD Greear Says It’s Okay to Vote For Abortion-Promoting Politicians

JD Greear is certainly a peculiar individual. Almost anything he says reflects his lack of qualification to not only lead the Southern Baptist Convention, but even a church. It is abundantly clear that JD Greear sees grave sin as a secondary issue that needs to be...

Cult Member Commissions Students at Liberty University

Cult Member Commissions Students at Liberty University

Seventh-Day Adventism is a cult -- it is not a true expression of Christianity. Founded by false prophet, Ellen G. White, Seventh-Day Adventism adheres to a form of works-righteousness that they call "investigative judgment" whereby they teach that the blood of Jesus...

As the SBC Falls Apart Before Our Eyes, Denomination Leaders Asleep

As the SBC Falls Apart Before Our Eyes, Denomination Leaders Asleep

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is no doubt in serious trouble. Faced with the onslaught of social justice, feminism, LGBT-inclusion, and other aberrant teachings and practices, the SBC is no longer a bastion of conservative and sound doctrine, but a hotbed of...

SBC President Claims Peter Was the Rock that Jesus Built the Church On

SBC President Claims Peter Was the Rock that Jesus Built the Church On

Roman Catholicism has long held to the unbiblical heresy that Peter was the first pope and their go-to verse to support Matthew 16:18, And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Scholars,...

Farewell Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Farewell Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

I remember speaking to a good friend back in 2014 about what appeared to be a progressive movement that seemed to be gaining the attention of some Evangelical leaders. The movement, touted as "racial reconciliation" was spearheaded by Russell Moore, head of the...

Beth Moore Joins Gay Activist For Christian Writing Seminar

Beth Moore Joins Gay Activist For Christian Writing Seminar

Beth Moore, the famous lady preacher who is becoming increasingly detached from reality by the day never seems to have any shortage of hot air when it comes to outlandish opinions on Church or politics. Undeterred by Scriptural exhortations to be silent and submit to...

SBC President Charging Entry Fee For Good Friday Worship Service

SBC President Charging Entry Fee For Good Friday Worship Service

Arguably the most influential Baptist Evangelist in history, Charles Spurgeon once wrote about the influx of entertainment into the churches in his day. That was well over a century ago. Spurgeon writes, An evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, so gross in its...

Rome’s Heresy & Gospel Clarity: Notes for Evangelizing Catholics

Rome’s Heresy & Gospel Clarity: Notes for Evangelizing Catholics

Pastor Churck O'Neal The following notes were the foundation of much of my preaching on the streets of Philadelphia when Pope Francis visited there. Hundreds of thousands of Roman Catholics perishing under antichrist, soul damning doctrine filled the streets of the...

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