Update: We have been informed that Summit is purchasing the tickets. Yet, the church is still closing its doors two Sundays in a row, neglecting the call for the saints to gather and worship corporately, and replacing worship service with a worldly entertainment...
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ERLC’s Soros-Funded Front Group Urges Congress to Implement Amnesty and Mass Immigration
In the intricate web of political and religious discourse, the relationship between George Soros, the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), and the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) under Brent Leatherwood presents a compelling narrative—one that unveils...
Son of Former SBC President Says the Gospel is a Joke
Jonathan Merritt is an LGBTQ activist who was outed for a gay encounter he had with another man at a Christian conference in 2012. Merritt is the son of former Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) president, James Merritt. Jonathan has been an open advocate for...
While SBC Pastor and The Gospel Coalition Push For Reparations, The Bible is Clear that Whites Owe Nothing
Thabiti Anyabwile is notorious for his racial divisiveness and inflammatory racialized rhetoric. In a previous article at Reformation Charlotte, Ed Dingess explains that Thabiti Anyabwile is guilty of heresy because he teaches a sub-Christian false gospel known as...
After Exposing Cru’s Gay Agenda, Leader Gaslights Whistleblower and Instructs Staff on How to Brush Off Concerns
Reformation Charlotte along with other ministries has been running a series of exposés on Cru's gospel compromise through its promotion of social justice, feminism, and even homosexual activism. Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, has taken a sharp turn toward...
As the SBC Begins to Embrace Women Leaders, Let’s Remember Voddie Baucham’s Words
In 2008, Voddie Baucham spoke prophetic words about women in leadership both in the political realm and especially in the Church. Baucham reminds us that, according to Isaiah 3, women in leadership is more of a sign of God's judgment than a normative position for the...
Audience Erupts in Applause As Beth Moore Attacks Biblical Gender Roles at ERLC Conference
Women have completely emasculated the male leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention. If you weren't aware of the movement taking place in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) to steer churches away from the biblical and historic position of Complementarianism,...
Jen Wilkin Says We Need to Understand Women Teaching as Essential to the Local Church, Make Them Pastors
Jen Wilkin is the egalitarian feminist who works at The Village Church under Matt Chandler. Wilkin advocates for the destruction of biblical gender roles and is a regular speaker in the evangelical preaching circuit. Wilkin, like Beth Moore, is staunchly opposed to...
Surprise: Prominent “Reformed” Social Justice “Ministry” Has Pro-Choice Contributors
The Witness is a prominent black evangelical ministry dedicated to the causes of social justice and slave reparations. The ministry is primary a news and blog website founded by Jemar Tisby, a former RTS professor and alumni. It should come as no surprise then that...
Southern Baptist Pastor Apologizes For Allowing a Homosexual to Preach on Stage
Gateway Church (not to be confused with Robert Morris' Gateway Church) is a Southern Baptist Affiliated church in Del Norte, Colorado pastored by Greg Shaffer. Shaffer recently apologized on stage for having a man named Justin Garoutte who gave a "coming out" story...
Campus Crusade Social Justice Agenda Exposed in New Video
CRU -- formerly Campus Crusade for Christ -- in recent weeks has been exposed as a political activist organization that has abandoned the gospel in favor of cultural Marxism, intersectionality, and LGBTQ activism. The message of the cross and the shed blood of Jesus...
Campus Crusade Leader Invites Roman Catholics and Mystics to Speak at Event
CRU -- formerly Campus Crusade for Christ -- has been exposed as a social justice political organization with the sole intention of turning young, Christian-minded students into progressive activists. Ranging from LGBTQ activism to Cultural Marxism and...
InterVarsity Introduces “Queer Bible Study” For LGBTQ “Christians” on University Campus
InterVarsity is a college campus ministry that touts itself as "a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty." InterVarsity is an interdenominational Evangelical fellowship designed for college students to...
SBC’s LifeWay Hosting a Charismatic Tongue-Speaking Faith-Healing NAR Event
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a loosely banded coalition of false prophets and people who call themselves apostles who band together to promote a charismatic culture of experiential worship, speaking in tongues, prophecies, and healings. The movement has been...
SBC President Receives No Applause After Praying in Jesus’ Name on House Floor
Admittedly, it's unusual to report good news on the Southern Baptist President, JD Greear. Greear is steeped in the social justice movement, has largely embraced the pro-homosexual inclusion movement, and is favorable toward unbiblical notions such as female preachers...
Revoice Speaker, With Ties to TGC and the SBC, Talks About Welcoming Gay Family and Gay Children’s Pastor
Five years ago, Jeff would have fired me for being gay. Instead, he promoted me. Just a few months after coming out to him, the rest of the church staff, and some close friends, I was offered the children's pastor position at the church.John Wilson, gay Children's...
Beth Moore Diminishes Paul’s Apostolic Authority
Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist lady-preacher and Evangelical darling of LifeWay Stores, has been on a downward spiral since, well, ever since she began preaching. But nothing speaks downgrade more than Moore's trajectory over the last several months. Beth Moore has...
Watch SBC President Say Homosexuality Can Be Thought of as an Affliction and Not Just a Sinful Choice
During Southern Baptist president JD Greear's sermon on Romans 1, Greear mutilates God's Word by first and foremost by saying that homosexuality isn't as egregious as other sins, like boasting. In another video from that sermon, Greear refers to homosexuality as "an...
Four Theological Problems With Tim Keller and Why He Should Be Avoided
Tim Keller is the former senior pastor and founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York and is a best-selling author of several books relating to theology and apologetics. He is also one of the founders of The Gospel Coalition -- an Evangelical blog consisting...
John MacArthur Calls Tullian Tchividjian a Heretic, Created a Theology to Accommodate His Sin
John MacArthur is one of the foremost living defenders of the faith in this day and age and one of the few well-known pastors left who aren't afraid to call out false teachers. Recently, MacArthur preached a sermon at a Master's Seminary chapel on Jude -- defending...
The George Soros Funded Transformation of Evangelical Churches
by Capstone Report Women’s immigration group in partnership with Soros-funded National Immigration Forum uses coloring sheets for children, family journaling projects, community meals and Small Group Study to promote theological transformation of Evangelical churches....
Suicide is Apostasy
If you've been following Christian news at all lately, you've seen a string of suicides by well-known pastors leaving many shocked and bereaved. The most recent incident was the suicide of a Southern Baptist pastor Jarrid Wilson who worked under megachurch pastor,...