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Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism

Debunking the Myths: How Continuationists Misrepresent Cessationism

Criticism of the doctrine of cessationism is hardly a novel phenomenon coming from the charismatic wing of professing Christendom. Yet in recent years, a concerning shift has become increasingly evident. Hostility towards this doctrine has intensified, crossing the...

Justice in All Its Parts: Responding to Thabiti Anyabwile

In a series of posts over at The Front Porch, Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to tackle the issue of justice. For those who do not know, Anyabwile resides in the absolute core of the Social Justice Movement currently taking place in the SBC and PCA as well...

Matt Maher is Not Saved, Stop Singing His Music in Church

Modern Evangelicals are happily embracing a deceptive evil, and letting it creep into their churches. The evil is a counterfeit gospel, a counterfeit Christianity. The evil is the Roman Catholic Church, and it’s creeping in unawares, especially to young and...

SBC Prez Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

SBC Prez Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

The current Southern Baptist President, J.D. Greear, is proving himself to be unfit for the position he holds in America’s largest Protestant denomination. Over the last few years, the SBC has taken a sharp turn toward political as well as theological liberalism while...

Cultural Seduction and the Demise of the Southern Baptist Convention

Feminism, Marxism, Black Liberation Theology, LGBT rights. Cultural seduction has taken over the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), unquestionably–at least by any rationally thinking Bible-believing Christian. The SBC for many years was revered for its conservative...

Baptist Chaplain Named ‘Gay Role Model of the Year’

The influx of sexually deviant behavior into all walks of life is nothing new. It–according to Romans 1–is part of God’s wrath he’s bestowed upon rebellious man. God haters who give up the natural order of creation are given over to their debased minds and perverse...

North Carolina Churches Harboring Illegal Aliens

ASHEVILLE – A local church in Asheville, NC is reportedly harboring and enabling illegal aliens. According to Mountain Express, a social justice church by the name of BeLoved which is founded and lead by a woman, Amy Cantrell, has been harboring illegal...

SBC Prez: God Says We Need to Shut Up About the Reformation

The Reformation was our defining moment as Protestants. It’s who we are, it’s our history. It was the moment the gospel was recovered from the grips of the apostasy of the Roman Catholic religion and made available to the common man. It was the wellspring of good...

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