You may remember the scuffle in February regarding John MacArthur's comments on Martin Luther King, saying that King was "not a Christian at all." Following his remarks about honoring Dr. R.C. Sproul who had passed away recently and was honored at the T4G Conference,...
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Sid Roth Guest While Preaching in Africa Says a Crow in a Tree “Shapeshifted” Into a Man and Fell to the Ground
The Bible tells us that in the last days, deception will not just be a part-time job for the adversary but more like a booming industry, with falsehoods so tailor-made they'd give bespoke tailoring a run for its money. In this era of unprecedented information and...
After Exposing Cru’s Gay Agenda, Leader Gaslights Whistleblower and Instructs Staff on How to Brush Off Concerns
Reformation Charlotte along with other ministries has been running a series of exposés on Cru's gospel compromise through its promotion of social justice, feminism, and even homosexual activism. Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, has taken a sharp turn toward...
John MacArthur Calls Tullian Tchividjian a Heretic, Created a Theology to Accommodate His Sin
John MacArthur is one of the foremost living defenders of the faith in this day and age and one of the few well-known pastors left who aren't afraid to call out false teachers. Recently, MacArthur preached a sermon at a Master's Seminary chapel on Jude -- defending...
Suicide is Apostasy
If you've been following Christian news at all lately, you've seen a string of suicides by well-known pastors leaving many shocked and bereaved. The most recent incident was the suicide of a Southern Baptist pastor Jarrid Wilson who worked under megachurch pastor,...
Catholic Archbishop Tells Transgender “You Belong to the Heart of This Church”
The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. This is an undeniable fact from the vantage point of any sane, Bible-believing Christian. One cannot walk away from a serious reading of the Scriptures and leave with Roman Catholic theology. It simply does not work. Their...
Liberal Baptist Church Sells Building For Over $1 Million To Donate To Gay Youth And Social Justice Programs
Following in the footsteps of progressive Christian outlets such as The Gospel Coalition, progressive churches across the nation are becoming more and more engrossed in social justice activism. Across the more liberal of these churches, the push for LGBTQ inclusion...
Prominent Seminary Declares “Social Justice is the Gospel” – A Glimpse Into the Future of the SBC
Union Theological Seminary in New York is the central hub of progressive Christianity producing such notable liberal theologians as James Cone, the father of Black Liberation Theology and Walter Rauschenbusch, the father of the modern social gospel. The seminary touts...
John Piper Returns to Passion Conference in 2020, Joins Host of False Teachers
John Piper used to be a reputable pastor. In Reformed circles, he was one that you could turn to for solid biblical advice and theological teaching. But his slide into theological disarray began with his reinterpretation of the historic Westminster Catechism quote,...
Major Lutheran (ELCA) Leader Says “Hell is Empty”
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is an apostate denomination that affirms homosexuals as well as female clergy. Often, you can see them with booths set up at various gay pride marches around the country denying Christ and giving people a false hope in...
Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality
If you think that is a big leap and jumping to conclusions, let's examine the trajectory Beth Moore has been on for the last several months. Moore has always befriended homosexuals and LGBT activists, like Rachel Held Evans and Jen Hatmaker. She enthusiastically...
Todd Bentley, a false prophet who masquerades as a Christian evangelist that we've reported on numerous times here at Pulpit & Pen was recently caught in a lie claiming that a man who overdosed on heroin and was supposedly pronounced dead on arrival at a...