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Suicide is Apostasy

Suicide is Apostasy

If you've been following Christian news at all lately, you've seen a string of suicides by well-known pastors leaving many shocked and bereaved. The most recent incident was the suicide of a Southern Baptist pastor Jarrid Wilson who worked under megachurch pastor,...

Major Lutheran (ELCA) Leader Says “Hell is Empty”

Major Lutheran (ELCA) Leader Says “Hell is Empty”

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is an apostate denomination that affirms homosexuals as well as female clergy. Often, you can see them with booths set up at various gay pride marches around the country denying Christ and giving people a false hope in...

Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality

Beth Moore Has Departed The Faith to Embrace Homosexuality

If you think that is a big leap and jumping to conclusions, let's examine the trajectory Beth Moore has been on for the last several months. Moore has always befriended homosexuals and LGBT activists, like Rachel Held Evans and Jen Hatmaker. She enthusiastically...

Todd Bentley, a false prophet who masquerades as a Christian evangelist that we've reported on numerous times here at Pulpit & Pen was recently caught in a lie claiming that a man who overdosed on heroin and was supposedly pronounced dead on arrival at a...

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