If you think that is a big leap and jumping to conclusions, let’s examine the trajectory Beth Moore has been on for the last several months. Moore has always befriended homosexuals and LGBT activists, like Rachel Held Evans and Jen Hatmaker. She enthusiastically proclaims her dedication to them — that, despite the biblical command for Christians to do the exact opposite (1 Corinthians 5:11), she will break bread with them.
Beth Moore has been under fire lately after a group of female Bible teachers published an open letter to Moore urging her to clarify her doctrinal position on homosexuality. Moore insisted that her doctrinal views on homosexuality have not shifted over the course of her ministry. Yet, despite her claims, her actions have proven otherwise. In a book that she wrote, Praying God’s Word, originally published in 2009, Moore recently edited out a snippet that taught that homosexuality is sinful, claiming that it “exceeded God’s words.”

Of course, to say that calling homosexuality a sin is “exceeding Scripture” is a complete departure from historic, biblical teaching. All in all, Moore has refused to directly answer the question, “Is homosexuality sinful?”
Moore has openly embraced homosexuals while emphatically impugning and rebuking Bible-believing Christians who hold to a biblical position on homosexuality and other sound doctrines. Moore has recently publicized her embrace of Jonathan Merritt, the homosexual son of former Southern Baptist president, James Merritt. Their friendship, affirmed by James, is referred to by each other as “true friendship.”
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Jonathan Merritt was “outed” by another gay man whom he “hooked up” with at a Christian conference. Merritt has lunged himself into the middle of the Evangelical homosexuality debate, acting as an apologist for “gay Christianity” and an activist for LGBT rights. He also claims to be a Christian.
But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
1 Corinthians 5:11
Yet, despite the clear biblical command to steer clear of the sexually immoral — to give them the gospel and call them to repentance — Beth Moore has openly embraced the idolatry of the approval of men (Galatians 1:10) and has welcomed both practicing homosexuals and homosexuals at heart to her table.