Among the myriad of daunting challenges that confront us in contemporary times, one stands out as particularly insidious—the deeply ingrained mentality that regards everything as easily disposable. The unbridled convenience afforded by the omnipresence of disposable...
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The Discernment of Charles Spurgeon, a Foundation for the Modern Believer
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, affectionately known as the "Prince of Preachers," remains one of the most influential Christian leaders in modern history. His vast collection of sermons, writings, and theological teachings continue to inspire believers and shape the...
Is the Pope on a Marxist Mission?
In the latest news, the Pope donated a whopping $500,000 for the migrants who are stranded in Mexico. In 2018, he donated his car for search and rescue charity. He also donated $1000,000 to the victims of the earthquake in Indonesia. Commendable, we’re...
Thabiti Anyabwile Advocates For Gun Control, Changing the Second Amendment
I'm an American that actually feels like we should get rid of guns. It actually makes self-defense easier. There's nothing contradictory about losing certain types of guns or getting rid of guns that robs us of the ability to protect ourselves...If we're going to have...
JD Greear Says It’s Okay to Vote For Abortion-Promoting Politicians
JD Greear is certainly a peculiar individual. Almost anything he says reflects his lack of qualification to not only lead the Southern Baptist Convention, but even a church. It is abundantly clear that JD Greear sees grave sin as a secondary issue that needs to be...
Beth Moore Has Disappeared, Does Anyone Know Her Whereabouts?
Beth Moore has struck a nerve in complementarian evangelical circles in recent weeks. Moore has repeatedly stood her ground, tweeting multiple times a day, insisting that contrary to Scripture, not only does she have the right to hold authority over men, but she's...
All Small Churches Are Struggling — An Unfair Assumption
It’s only human for us to think of a venture to be successful if it’s huge in size and scope. A company has to make big bucks in order to be called successful. A person has to land a high-paying job, and wouldn’t be considered successful if there wasn’t an element of...
Lecrae Downplays Abortion, Makes False Argument About Murder
Lecrae is the "rapper who happens to be Christian" who is fully caught up in the woke social justice movement in the Evangelical Church. Lecrae has vocally opposed conservative politics and has denounced America along with its president, Donald Trump. Lecrae, who has...
Pat Robertson Says Alabama Abortion Ban “Too Restrictive”
When it comes to abortion, you would expect those who actually claim to be pro-life to appreciate laws that actually stop the murder of innocent children in the womb. Alabama has done this, passing the Human Life Protection Act, a bill that would effectively ban all...
Perry Noble Says Gluttony is Worse Than Abortion and Homosexuality
Perry Noble is the befallen alcoholic pastor who was fired from New Spring Church, the Southern Baptist church he founded in Anderson, SC. After a short interim, Noble began to make inroads back into the pulpit. It began when he started guest preaching again at...
Should Christians Listen to Bethel Music? Hear What Al Mohler Says About It.
It's been a recurring question that gets asked repeatedly in Evangelical circles; should we listen to music that has been produced by false Christian movements. The argument is that even though some of the music that is produced can contain doctrinally sound lyrics,...
David Platt Promotes False Teacher, Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio is a false teacher. For anyone with a modicum of theological acumen who also knows the kinds of things that Giglio teaches and practices, this is not up for debate. But for those who are unaware, for starters, Giglio promotes a heresy that is rampant in...
Have Scientists Established a Link Between Brain Damage and Religious Fundamentalism?
Raw Story reports that scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism, stating that in a study published in the journal Neuropsychologia, The findings suggest that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly...
Prominent Evangelicals Who Support Beth Moore’s Pulpit Preaching Rebellion
Beth Moore is challenging the Scriptures -- and God Himself -- by relentlessly promoting herself as a viable alternative to the biblical role of pastor and shepherd. This is a list of prominent evangelicals that support Beth Moore in her endeavor. This list will be...
Jesuit Priest Praises Gay Pastor and Promotes Book, “Gospel of Inclusion”
Brandan Robertson is the gay "pastor" who said that having sex outside of marriage is "healthy and moral." The notion that the words "gay" and "pastor" can even be used in the same phrase in our culture today is simply mind-boggling. But worse is the false gospel of...
An Open Letter to Jack Graham in Response to His Dallas News Article on Anti-Abortion Bill
Pastor Jack Graham, Your recent article for the Dallas News2 contains logical, factual, and theological errors. Please consider the errors that you are making in your reasoning. The errors you make are very similar to the errors that many Southern...
Popular Taxpayer-Funded PBS Kid’s Cartoon Character Comes Out as Gay
If there were ever any doubt that the Pagan state is fully devoted to indoctrinating our children, that doubt should be completely removed now. The popular PBS kid's cartoon, Arthur, that has aired since the mid 1990s is now exposing children as young as toddler's to...
Al Mohler: Scripture is Clear, Women Do Not Preach to Gathered Assembly
Unless your head has been stuck under a rock for the last few months, you're probably aware of the controversy brewing in the Southern Baptist Convention regarding the movement of women preaching to the gathered Church. Of the most notorious of these women leading the...
Abortion Is Not Avoiding Pregnancy
When people talk about why some mothers abort their preborn children, the main reasons given are rape and incest, the most-horrific cases. In reality, those are only about 1% of abortions. They are used as a smokescreen to prevent a real discussion of the...
Beth Moore Asks: “Did God Really Say…?” Gay-Affirming Lady Preacher Calls Her a “Prophet”
If you're an Evangelical -- particularly a Southern Baptist -- you could very well be familiar with Beth Moore's recent tirade against Biblical womanhood. If not, you should read up on it as she's arguably the most influential woman in all of Evangelicalism. While the...
As the SBC Falls Apart Before Our Eyes, Denomination Leaders Asleep
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is no doubt in serious trouble. Faced with the onslaught of social justice, feminism, LGBT-inclusion, and other aberrant teachings and practices, the SBC is no longer a bastion of conservative and sound doctrine, but a hotbed of...
Prosperity Gospel Plantation Owner, Paula White, Claims God Told Her to Accept Title of ‘Apostle’
Apostles do not exist today. They are dead. There were only 12 of them -- thirteen if you count the apostate Judas -- but you get the point. They were hand-picked and appointed by Jesus for the specific purpose of authoritatively making the Word of God known in a...