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The Problem With “The Problem of Evil”

The Problem With “The Problem of Evil”

“That there exists in the human mind and indeed by natural instinct, some sense of Deity, we hold to be beyond dispute, since God himself, to prevent any man from pretending ignorance, has endued all men with some idea of his Godhead, the memory of which he constantly...

Drag Queen Teaches Children to Twerk at Public Library

Drag Queen Teaches Children to Twerk at Public Library

We've been pointing out for several months that the infamous Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by public libraries around the country is filled with morally repugnant perverts intent on indoctrinating children into the sexual revolution. Grasping at young children for...

Beth Moore Thinks Opposition to Her is About Re-Electing Donald Trump

Beth Moore Thinks Opposition to Her is About Re-Electing Donald Trump

Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist feminist egalitarian social justice advocate and preacher, thinks that opposition to her is about Donald Trump. One can only wonder how anyone could be so confused and oblivious to reality that they would actually believe this. It's...

Refuting Jarvis Williams’ Narrative on “White Supremacy”

Refuting Jarvis Williams’ Narrative on “White Supremacy”

In a recent article entitled, “Jesus, Deliver Us from This Racist Evil Age, Jarvis Williams and Curtis Woods took the opportunity to employ the Christian gospel as a means to manipulate us once again into believing that the mission of the church is to eliminate or at...

A Dividing Line Between Hypocritical and True Believers

A Dividing Line Between Hypocritical and True Believers

Create in me a clean heart, O God,     and renew a right spirit within me.Cast me not away from Your presence,     and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.Restore to me the joy of your salvation,     and uphold me with a willing spirit.Psalm 51:10-12 In an...

Whole Foods Found to Be Behind the Drag Queen Story Hour

Whole Foods Found to Be Behind the Drag Queen Story Hour

With the vast majority of Americans identifying as "straight," it always comes a surprise when such sexually deviant movements are pushed into mainstream and public arenas -- especially around children. Why do so many people approve of such perversion? It's because...

An Open Letter to Tom Ascol and Founders Ministries

An Open Letter to Tom Ascol and Founders Ministries

Dear Founders Ministries and particularly Tom Ascol, You don't know me and have probably not heard of me. Therefore, what I write to you will probably be of little importance -- if you even read it. That's okay. But I want to write this to you not only as...

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