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Woman Who Had Miscarriage The Day Before Abortion Appointment: “I’m Pretty Happy About It”

by | Aug 10, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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While most normal women would mourn the loss of a child in utero — especially a natural loss, one woman on the widely-visited Internet forum, Reddit, says she had a miscarriage two days before her abortion appointment, and she is happy about it. Stating she didn’t have a lot of money, she claims she started cramping up Friday night and begin to miscarry.

First off I want to say I’m sorry if there are women out there that are trying to conceive and aren’t able to. It’s not fair. If you are a woman trying to conceive it mgiht be best for your to avoid this story.

Anyways. I was dumb missed my pill for a few days. Had unprotected sex and waited three days to take a morning after. My dumbass thought I would be fine. I don’t keep track of my period but 3 weeks later I just had the feeling I was pregnant. Decided to pick up a pregancy test and the results were positive. Called a clinic and paid 80 dollars for a consulation and to schedule an appointment. Got to the appointment and I was too early in the preganncy to take an abortion pill. I was also moving a week later so I decided to wait until after the move.

Well my abortion was scheduled for today. Actually it was schedule for right now. But Friday afternoon during lunch I suddenly felt like I was having my period. Horrible cramps and lower back pain. I went to the bathroom and there was blood. I went home early, wore a pad, and put on granny pannies then took a nap. After I woke up and went to the bathroom it was the most blood I had ever seen. This is gross. But in the toilet was tissue and blood clots the size of golf balls. I am still bleeding quite a bit today but don’t feel as well. Just feel very bloated and tired.

I have taken a pregnancy test yet to confirm and I am going to wait another week but I am almost certain it’s a miscarriage.

The day before I was going to have to dish about 500 dollars. I just moved and don’t have a ton of money. But honestly I am so thankful to be in a place where I have access to something like this and to be in a position where I could afford it.

And to be completly honest I am so relived I had a miscarriage. I am so happy that I am not pregnant anymore. I know I should get a pregnancy test in a few week to confirm. But after calling the nurse to cancel and telling her why she believes it was a miscarriage as well. I don’t want children now or ever. I am sorry if you do and you aren’t able to concieve. It’s not fair.

TLDR: Had a miscarriage the day before my abortion appointment

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